Chapter 31

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Colson pov

I woke up this morning in a pool of sweat. I had a nightmare about last night but instead of Slim I was the one to find Monica. The dream had totally creeped me out but I knew I wouldn't be able to shake it off, not until I knew Monica was alright.

After leaving the hospital last night we got hotel rooms between the hospital and the venue. The distance from the hospital was close enough so we could leave and get there in a matter of fifteen minutes. As much as I didn't want to perform, I couldn't cancel anymore shows for any reason. When I had to get Casie, I felt bad enough having to cancel shows in Pittsburgh.

"I wish you guys good luck at the show, Ash and I are going to walk to the hospital." Slim said as he walked in my room.

"Of course, I understand. Give me an update when you get there?" I asked.

"Sure, send me pics of the crowd surfing?"

"I don't think I'm in the mood for that."

"Kells, you can't let this stuff effect your craft. We all know Monica's strong and she's going to make it through this and she'd want you to have fun."

"Thanks man and I'll do my best! Make sure you call me and let me know everything, okay?"

"I got you, I'm going to head out. Good luck again!" Slim said before leaving.

I wish I had his confidence, Monica was in a hospital unconscience. If that was my sister I'd be freaking out and there'd probably be no hope for me. She said her life hadn't been so difficult till she met me and I could say the same thing about her. I have never been so worried about someone's health until I met her. Hell I had never cared about anyone's whereabouts like I was about Monica's last night.

Why didn't I follow her? Could I have saved her? Gosh I was so prideful and selfish, too lost in my feelings to chase after her.

Slim was stupid for forgiving me, or that's what I thought. If I knew that my so called friend had the opportunity to save someone I dearly loved and didn't, I'd be pretty heated. That was the difference between us, Slim was full of forgiveness and understanding while I shut everyone out based off of one mistake.

It was time for me to get dressed, mic check would be in an hour. I walked to my closet grabbing at random, I honestly didn't care what I looked like and my shirt would end up nowhere to be found anyway. After I finished putting on a black pair of jeans, chucks, and a lace up pullover I grabbed my phone.

Three messages from Amanda. My phone flashed.

Amanda: Hey, missed you last night! Dinner date tonight?

Amanda: Aye! Don't know if you got my previous text or not but we should go out tonight. That is if we're still cool.

Amanda: Are you ignoring me? I didn't even do anything wrong, sooo...

That aggravated me, I hated when people sent me multiple text messages. Unless you see that I've read your message you really shouldn't be assuming I'm ignoring you. Amanda was an okay girl who I sort of made things official with because I thought Monica was dating David. See how everything ends up tying to Monica, my life is practically revolving around that girl. If Monica ever met Amanda she would hate her, especially after she caught us in my dressing room last night before heading off to the club. Since I read Amanda's messages I decided to text her back.

Me: No I'm not ignoring you, sorta just woke up. Date night sounds great, you can pick the place and time.

In lightning speed Amanda replied, I would never get a break from her.

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