Chapter 34

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Colson pov

I woke up to the flight attendant from earlier shaking me repeatedly until I opened up both of my eyes. 

"Mr. Baker! Mr. Baker! You have arrived to your destination, it 's time for you to get off the plane now! We need to get all of the passengers boarded for the next flight!" She said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said as I shot up out of my seat.

"It's fine Mr. Baker, enjoy your trip back home!"

"Thanks, I'll try!"

I rushed off the plane in a hurry, I had to make sure that no one had taken my bags at the baggage claim. When I got there, there were no bags in sight and I started to panic.

If only I wasn't so tired, I could've actually been here on time and gotten my stuff. Why was my life so shitty? Nothing has gone right in weeks! I should've just stayed in California until everyone was ready to come back. But noo, Ash wanted to make me sound like some big baby who needed to come home. I thought,

"Colson!!!" I heard Latoya's parents yelling.

There they were holding my bags. Lewis had Casie in his arms as she was knocked out and Shirley was looking surprised.

"Is there something wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" Shirley asked.

"Everything is fine, Mrs Woods. I was frantically looking for my bags but I guess you guys' grabbed them." I answered with a smile.

"Yeah, we're sorry about that. Lewis over here thought you'd be exhausted after your flight so we wanted to make sure we got all of your stuff."

"Thank you so much." I said as I walked over to give her a big hug.

"Where's everyone else? Looks like you left without your manager and your friends."

"Nope, they actually shipped me off to come here alone!" I said bitterly, looking down at the floor.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. Well let's go, we gotta get you and Casie home! You look like you could use a couple more hours of sleep."

"Thanks ma and I really do, I haven't been able to sleep in a couple of weeks."

"Well why not baby?"

"I don't really want to talk about it here, can we go?"

"Yeah, let's go!" She said beckoning me to walk with her and Lewis.

After Latoya gave birth to Casie, I became really close with her parents. They had offered their home to me many of times and cooked me home cooked meals when I was struggling. They truly loved Casie with all of their heart and I appreciated them while they were able to care for her when I was on tour.

The airport in Cleveland wasn't super extravagant or big so we walked through it relatively fast. I let Lewis lead the way as we enter the parking lot because I didn't know what type of card they had. Though I would try to support them by giving them money every once in awhile they wouldn't take it. They had successful paying jobs of their own, Lewis was a lawyer and Shirley was an EMT medical responder. Finally Lewis stopped in front of a Sports Utility SUV. The Wood's weren't the type of people to spend their hard earned money on flashy items such as gold chains.

"Hop in Colson, what you ain't never seen an SUV before?" Lewis said.

"No it's not that, it's just... It's really good to be home. These last two to three months have been awful. I just need to find myself again, you know?" I responded.

"I'm sorry to hear that young man, at least now your home with your beautiful daughter."

"That's really all I need right now, we've  been separated for way too long."

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