Chapter 17

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Monica pov

Instead of walking to my room, I went to Ashley's, I needed to have girl talk.

"I'm still shocked to see you here, you sort of left with no explanation." Ashley said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I needed some space to figure out what I was going to do with my life." I answered.

"That sounds deep, are you okay?"

"Honestly I don't know."

I didn't know what bothered me more Janine coming to my house or the fact that two weeks ago I had saved Casie and Colson's lives. Both memories stained my mind.

What if I hadn't had the guts to walk in that house? Would Casie love me then? What if I hadn't walked away when Janine was talking? Would we still be friends right now? These thoughts invaded my brain for days.

I couldn't handle all this alone, I told Ashley everything. From the ride to Latoya's house, to the knife she had in her hand, and the scared look Casie gave me when I first walked in. Then I told her the Janine situation; her little speech at the restaurant, how she wouldn't look me in my eyes, how she thanked me, and lastly how she said my name.

This was the first conversation I've had about Janine in weeks that I didn't cry or feel emotional. Maybe I was broken and sadness was replaced by emptiness.

"You are one strong ass bitch! You have bigger balls than me, I wouldn't of been able to do that." Ash said.

"Yeah because your smarter than me." I said.

"Honey, you need to stop beating yourself up about everything. You saved them, you had a lot of nerve to grab a knife from someone who was schizophrenic. As for Janine, if she really meant what she said she'll be back. Let her get through rehab, she needs to help herself and then she'll be ready to fix her relationships."

"Ugh why are you so wise?" I asked.

"So I can take care of you guys, without me all of y'all would be straight up insane."

"Your literally my spirit animal!"

"Um thanks... I guess."

"Don't worry that was compliment."

Slim came in the room and laid across the foot of the bed. For the longest time he just stared at me like he was trying to interpret a code on my face.

"What?" I said as I cocked my head to the side.

"Nothing its just that's the longest I've never been in contact with you." He said.

Ash and I exchanged glances as we had just discussed the same thing not too long ago.

"I'm sorry, trust me it'll never happen again even if I have to sell my stuff and move in here."

"You should! I'm sure Kells wouldn't mind you living here." He said.

That was true, I wouldn't have to live in another house and I wouldn't be too far from Casie. They practically invited me to go on the tour so I could make the decision if I wanted to live here or not. The only thing is, is that this house made me think of a frat house and they probably had strippers and random hoes here all the time.

"Sounds like a plan! When we get back your moving in here!" Ashley said excitedly.

"Fine, how could I say no to you guys." I said.

Slim gave us both kisses on the forehead and said he was going to bed.

"What was that about?" I asked.

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