Chapter 12

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Colson pov

I walked into the house, I was nervous with a hint of fear in my face. I was no stranger to this home. When I made it out, I bought this house so my daughter could live in a safe environment unlike the one she was born in. In the inside it was really dark and quiet. I lightly walked around so I wouldn't cause a disturbance.

"Daddy!!!" Casie said before running up and hugging me.
I picked her up and I started walking to the front door, but then I felt someone's eyes on me.

"So you think you can just walk in here a take my child!" Latoya screamed.

"Listen, I don't think this is the safest place for her. She needs to be in a peaceful environment, she's only four." I tried to say as calm as possible.

Casie put her head on my shoulder and she started crying. Her breaths were uneven and her body shook violently.

"Oh look daddy of the year is making the little princess cry." She spat at me.

"Excuse me? The only reason I'm here is because your daughter called me and told me to come get her because you don't know how to take care of her."

"That's a lot coming from someone who's never around. Where were you on her birthday Kells?"

I stood there stunned, that hurt me in so many ways. She knew I only worked to take care of her and Casie. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be living here, she wouldn't have all of the clothes she owned, and she sure as hell wouldn't be able to pay for her medication. I didn't know how to reply to that, Casie was my first priority always and I saw her whenever I could.

Could I try harder in trying to see my daughter? Was I not trying hard enough? I thought to myself.

"That's what I thought!" Latoya said with an insincere look.

"Mommy, your always hurting yourself and being mean to grandma and papa." Casie said.

"That's not true, it's only because they try to steal you away from me sweetie." Latoya said.

"Why do your arms bleed when your sad? Why did you get so angry and break all of our things?" Casie asked.

It broke my heart to hear Casie ask those questions. A kid shouldn't have to witness the downfall of their mother. Latoya reached for Casie's face but she turned away, once again burying her head in my shoulder.

"You don't love me you ungrateful girl?" Latoya screeched as she grabbed a knife from a table.

Casie started crying and shaking even harder than before. I never thought Latoya would be willing to put her daughter in danger.

"First my job, then my parents, and now you guys? I won't let you do this to me! Your not going to break me!" Latoya continued.

"That's not what I'm here to do, I'm here to get my daughter and take care of her."

"Oh please, you can barely take care of yourself, you drug addict!"

This was the last blow, I was sick of taking insults from her. I needed to get out of here, but how was the question.

Monica pov

I was freaking out, it had been fifteen minutes and I was getting worried by the minute. I had never felt like this before, I wanted answers! I wanted Colson to walk out with his baby girl in his arms.

He said twenty minutes. Where is he? Him and Casie should be out here by now. I thought to myself.

I had never been so scared before, so far there had been no gun shots or blood curdling screams so maybe he was okay. I decided I couldn't just sit here. I opened up my purse and grabbed for my taser and pocket knife and put it in the back pockets of my jeans. After I fixed myself up, I walked up to the front door. At first I knew I was doing something that could potentially end my life but it had to be done. I grabbed the knob and hesitated, then I grabbed for it again and turn the knob.

"YOUR NOT GOING TO TAKE MY BABY!!!" Casie's mother said.

I was scared, she was holding a knife and it looked like the devil himself had possessed her. The door slammed behind me and at the moment I knew I couldn't sprint out of here. Casie and Colson stared at me, then his baby mother came my way.

Here was my last moment on earth, spent trying to protect a child I had never met and a man who had only called me by my name once. There was so much I had to live for, I couldn't die not now anyway. I was thinking of all the people who I wasn't on good terms with; my father, my old client, and Janine. People I would never get to apologize to and I had so many people that would never know that I loved them.

"And who's this bitch, Colson?" She said with so much hatred that those words could've killed me alone.

"That's Monica, my new babysitter she's going to be taking amazing care of Cas."

Babysitter? Was he serious, I was about to die and he couldn't even give her my true identity. Atleast he told her my real name! She came closer to me so close that we were breathing the exact same air.

"Get away from her!" Colson yelled.

"I got this!" I said as I motioned Colson to walk out of the room.

Casie shouldn't have to witness me die and neither should Colson. His baby mother gave me her undivided attention, probably noticing the scared look on my face. She was a scary woman and I had no idea what would happen next. She then wrapped her frail arms around me as she started to sob.

"Please take care of my baby girl. She deserves to be with someone who will care for her." She said.

I wasn't really her babysitter but she was crying in my arms and I didn't want her to feel bad.

"She will be taken care of, don't worry about her. You get yourself right for Casie." I said through choppy breaths.

"Thank you so much." She said.

I grabbed the knife from her hand and I pointed for Colson and Casie to walk outside. They did as I silently ordered and I heard the door close behind them.

As for me, I led Casie's mom to her couch, covered her up with a blanket, and put on the tv. Before I walked out I heard her murmur :

"Take care of him too."

At first I wasn't too sure why she wanted me to do that. I just figured I would understand in time.

Before leaving I put the knife back in the rack with the others and hid them in a backpack in which I shoved in the trash. I didn't want her to abuse herself, especially when she's here all alone, in this dark lonely home. I walked outside, the truck had been cranked up and Casie and Colson were waiting for me inside the vehicle. Casie gave me a really tight hug as I opened the door and the tears started flowing from my eyes.

I could've died. I thought to myself.

It was true ten minutes ago, I thought that my life would be over and here I was still alive. Colson mouthed a quick thank you before he started driving. I was glad that he had his daughter back and I'm glad I got to contribute in it. Colson was a great father and he needed to know that no matter how traumatized I might be after this, that it was true. Casie fell asleep in my lap and I fell asleep against the window.

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