Chapter 26

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As we all entered the club the bouncer led us to the roped VIP section, where we would spend majority of the night. I remembered the events that occurred last time I was at a club. Janine had made me feel like total shit and Colson was to my rescue. That was the day that brought us closer and he became a friend instead of another passerby. He looked handsome tonight I didn't know whether it was the fact that he actually seemed like he was himself or just that fact that he never looked bad. Colson was just attractive but I couldn't let him know that and I sure wouldn't want him to get any ideas.

"Would you like something to drink?" Colson asked me.

"Oh, I don't know. I've never consumed alcohol before." I said.

"English?" He said looking like I hit him with text book terminology.

"I don't drink."

"Well I guess that's going to change tonight!"

"I do-"

Before I could manage to get out my sentence Colson was ordering us drinks. I wasn't even sure if I would even like alcohol let alone want it in my system.

"Hey, you don't have to drink if you don't want to." He said acknowledging the discomfort in my face.

"Thanks for understanding! It's just I've lost so much due to it, ya know?" I said.

If the person driving the car that hit my brothers maybe they'd both be here. They would've been fulfilling their careers and making sure Slim and I never needed to ask for anything. For the most part they'd be home and I'd know what a family truly was. Yeah the boys, Ash, and Casie were all I needed but sometimes you wanted people that knew you from birth. From the golden ages of a child to the bad times of an adolescent. I needed my brothers and they would never be able to drop from the sky and talk to me. On another note, I never wanted to end up like Janine. She was an alcoholic and it was the only thing she craved and basically lived for. I didn't want to be apart of that life. That's why I didn't go to clubs and that's why I didn't drink.

"You okay?" Colson asked.

"Um yeah, I just need to go outside for a quick breather." I replied before walking out.

As I walked out I sat on the curb just as I did the day Janine and I had fought at the club. Something was eating me up in the inside and I don't know exactly what it was. Apart of me felt like I should be hanging out with David and another told me that I was where I belonged. When I wasn't battling over what guy I wanted in my life it my mind would be asking what the hell was I doing in a club. I didn't belong here, I didn't even go to parties in high school and a club in my book was no different.

Colson sat down beside me, not speaking just sitting there staring at the ground just like me. His presence was nice, it didn't feel awkward like it did for me to sit in silence with other people. But at the same time nothing ever felt awkward with Colson, it was like I had known him longer than I actually did. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. It was almost like he was cradling me like a mother rocking their baby to sleep. I stared into his eyes not sure on what exactly to say.

"I always find my way back to you." He said almost at a whisper.

"Well including that you saw me walk out here I would say you just used your brain." I said giggling.

Colson looked pissed and I was mad at myself for making such a cruel joke. He was being serious, letting me in on his real thoughts.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that, I try to joke my way out of serious conversations." I said.

Invisible Halo (MGK Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora