Chapter 27

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Colson pov

The events of last night played over and over in my head as I woke up. Monica was in my arms sleeping and she had the look of innocence on her face. This was the second time she had slept in my arms and it was something I was willing to get used to. Throughout all the good there was one thing that stayed on my mind. Yesterday, Monica had let go of my hand and she seemed extremely disappointed seeing David with that girl. Not to sound jealous but why did it matter to her, he was just a bus driver.

I walked out of the game room and walked to the front to talk to David. The girl from last night was still there and the guys were all spread out across the seats sleeping.

"What's up man?" I asked as I approached David.

"Nothing much! Sorry about last night, didn't mean to be doing that on your bus." He said.

"It's nothing new to me, but I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to."

What did Monica see in him? He was puny, average, easily intimidated, and didn't seem too interesting. I thought.

David did have one thing over me though, anyone who had Monica would be winning. She was stunning, smart, and kind which was the total opposite of all the women that had been in my life in the past.

"I'm sorry?" David asked confused.

"Let me break it down for you. You should have been apologizing and begging for Monica's forgiveness last night. Only God knows how terrible you probably made her feel yesterday." I said yelling, the whole bus probably heard me.

"How do you... You know what? It's none of your business, I was just trying to be cordial with you. Don't act like I didn't see y'all before the club, how close you sat by her and everything. Your a snake!"

"Maybe you should've been showing off your girl instead of hiding her and you wouldn't be in this situation." I spat at him.

"Well now that I have nothing to hide, you can have someone drive you guys for the rest of the tour cus I'm sick of your shit!" David yelled before stomping off the bus like a child.

"Woah, woah, woah! What just happened?" Ashley asked as she walked up to the front.

David came back running to the bus angrier than he was before.

"You and that little bitch deserve each other and I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to crawl back to me after she realizes what a scumbag you are." He said.

Without thinking of my actions I punched him right in the nose and he fell to the ground. Monica had come just in time, she was side by side with Ashley and she looked pained. Here I was once again disappointing her. She always showed up at the wrong time and all I wanted was for once to feel like she supported something I did.

"Don't ever call her or any other girl for that matter a bitch! You sure as hell don't deserve her, you sleaze!" I said

As I looked to Monica she turned around with a look of disgust, I thought I was doing her a favor and now she couldn't even look at me. She walked away, I guess she didn't want to see me kick his ass. The rage from her transferred to my rage towards David and to be honest I wanted to kill him.

"Colson, go outside and take a walk. I'll send Slim out there in a couple of minutes." Ashley said.

As I walked out Ashley started assisting David and Monica surfaced again but not to comfort me but to fix up her bruised should be ex. What was with her, could she not see I had only done that for her?

I walked a few feet away from the bus when someone patted my shoulder. It was Slim, as Ashley had promised and he motioned for us to sit on the bench to talk. Last time I was on this bench, Monica wanted to clear any confusion that was caused by our first kiss.

Invisible Halo (MGK Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora