Chapter 2

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Monica pov

"Wakeup, were hereeee!!" Ashleigh said as she shook me back and forth trying to wake me up.

"Go away, give me four more minutes!" I said giving her my infamous 'not in the mood' face.

I checked my phone it was 11:23 P.M.

"You know what? It's kind of late, I'll just sleep here. Bye bye!" I said.

"Come on Nini, were staying at a hotel than three back to back shows starting in the morning."

"Three shows?!?!"

"Yeah don't worry about it when we get up to our room you can get your rest. In the morning all you have to do is help Kells form his mohawk and give the background singers makeovers."

"But I'm so comfortable here!!"

"Monica if you don't get your ass up! I bet you, this hotel bed is ten times comfier than this little pullout your sleeping on!"

"If you say so..." I said groggily.

The boys had already been up to their rooms I figured because it was only Ashleigh and I left on the bus. She walked alongside me making sure every two seconds that I wouldn't stumble and fall while trying to walk to the hotel. When we got to the elevator my daydreams of being on the new season of 'Botched' was interrupted.

"Do you need help with her Ash?" Said an unfamiliar raspy voice.

"No, I think were fine, Kells! How are you?" Ashley asked.

"Can this elevator go any faster!!" I moaned.

"On second though, Kells it'd be really cool of you if you carried her to our room. Pretty please and thank you!" Ashleigh said.

Kells?! I was thinking to myself. Here I am half asleep, walking like a drunken penguin and Kells is right behind us.

The elevator sounded off and Ashleigh got out, I guess this was our floor. My thoughts were then interrupted as I felt very large man hands wrap around my waste. Kells had put me over his shoulder as he followed Ashleigh to our room. After she had swiped the key by the detector I noticed the door had opened on it's own. New technology maybe. Well that was what I thought until I saw the size of the room. It was gorgeous, filled with flowery wall paper and windows that led into a very large balcony with beach chairs and a cute little table. It was then that it hit me that my world might not ever be the same.

"You can put her in the room on the left." Ashleigh said.

Following Ash's orders Kells, still carrying me walked towards the room. Gently laying me on the bed he said,"Would you like me to help you with your shoes?"

"No I'm fine but thank you so much, I am so exhausted but trust me, I'll be somewhat energized tomorrow."

"Don't worry about that right now, you look like you need to catch some z's. I have to go but I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes you sure will, have yourself a goodnight and thanks again!"

"No problem, get some sleep!"

When he left to close the door I told him to keep the lights in. After he shut the door I was left in a huge room by myself.

Was it weird that I was freaking out. He was just as cute in person as he was in all the pictures I had ever seen of him. Super tall, bulky, electric blue eyes, and amazing tatts! The media portrayed him to be this wild and rude person but by the way he carried me to my room, he seemed so generous. I mean how many guys go around carrying strangers. Still shocked about how beautiful our suite was I decided to walk around my room and then back to the living room.

"I thought you were tired." Ashleigh said sarcastically.

"I guess it wore off. This place is amazing Ash, how are you not screaming your head off in right now!"

"I think over the years that I have been Kells' manager I just got used to it. But you need to go get rest, you'll be begging for it come tomorrow."

"Sure thing mom!" I said in between laughs.

I couldn't help it, out of all the years I had known her she was like the mother I never had. She made sure I was fed, she made sure I finished school, and she made sure that I had a place to sleep. I always came to her with my dilemmas and she always steered me in the right direction for handling things.

"Goodnight Nini!" Ashleigh said, as she was too laughing at what I had said.

"Oh and one more thing!" I said.

"What child?!?" Ash replied.

"Don't what child me, but anyway. He is so cute, just thought I'd put that out there."

"Easy tiger, what happened to innocent ole Monica?" 

"Oh believe me, she's still here! I didn't say I wanted to sleep with him or anything!"

I headed back to my room and changed into my bedroom attire. I wiped my makeup off with a rag and hot water and double checked with a wipe so that none of it would stain my pillow. As I laid on my bed I was actually alert enough to realize how incredibly soft the bed was. Ashleigh was right, this was way better than sleeping on that pullout couch on the bus. The closest thing I had ever been to a place like this was a post card from my grandmother. I put my earbuds in and tapped on Rhapsody, if I was going to be on tour with Machine Gun Kelly I'd like to know what I was getting myself into. After a countless amount of good songs I fell asleep to one that described me in so many words 'Swing Life Away'.

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