Chapter 18

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Colson pov

After finishing their breakfast, Monica and Ash went to the back where the bunks were.

Casie and I played a few games of 'Heads Up' on my phone to pass the time. Since it would take us ten hours to get to Toronto we had to leave at 9 so we could start performing by eight.

*10 hours later*

David parked in the lot by the venue where we would be performing at in an hour. Before the show, I decided I would go do my workout plan. I went to the mini gym where I walked 25 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the elliptical, and did 5 sets on the bench.

I was pumped and ready to see what Toronto was made out of.

Monica pov

Casie and I walked out of the bus to see thousands of fans and flashing lights. Colson was right we should've taken the back way. Security helped us get to the dressing rooms safely fending us off from the psychotic fans.

As soon as we got there I noticed that I was assigned to my own dressing room. There were seven clients sitting down on a bench, all with their hair sticking up on the top of their heads. I got set up at my little station behind the chair where the client would sit. Casie sat on the floor playing with her Nintendo 3Ds.

"Who's going first?" I said.

The first person to walk over was a tall model like blonde haired girl.

"I would like something edgy." She said.

"Okay, no problem!" I said as I laid out all my materials.

I started clipping her hair and adding red die underneath. I let her look in the mirror before I proceeded on with her hair. She nodded in appraisal and I continued on. I finished her up and then I started on the next client. It had taken me 3 hours to finish all of my clients' hair and makeup.

Finally Casie and I could just hang out and be normal for a few hours. I turned around for two seconds and she had jumped in my seat that the clients had all sat in.

"My turn!" She said with a glowing smile.

Casie was too cute, and I could use the practice. I always wondered what it was like to have a little sister or hell a sister in general.

"How would you like your hair to look?" I asked as if she was an actual client.

"Like yours Monica." She said politely as she pointed at my hair.

Oh lord, she was going to have to be disappointed. There was no way Colson was going to let me dye his baby girl's hair purple. For a second I thought about temporary dye that could be washed out at the end of the day but I was not a risk taker.

"I'll flat iron it for you and put it in a bun until later, okay?" I said.

"Okay!" Casie repeated.

I did exactly that, only first I braided the top of her head than flat ironed every strand of hair before wrapping her it in a bun.

"You look gorgeous!" I said hugging Casie.

She looked in the mirror for awhile and then she put her hands on her cheeks as she screamed in excitement.

"Me look different! I love my hair now!" She said in a high pitched voice.

She made me feel so special other than Ashley no one had ever been so happy when I did their hair or makeup. Casie stared in the mirror a good five minutes before leaping into my arms. I heard very loud footsteps like someone was wearing heels to finally see Ash walking in our dressing room.

"Kells wants Cas- woah her hair is so pretty! Did you do it?" Ashley said with bugged eyes.

"Yeah, Monica straightened it for me!" Casie answered.

"Well Monica did a great job! Anyway Kells wants to bring Casie out on stage."

"Okay, well she's free to go!" I said.

"Okay I'll lead her the way."

"Good luck Cas!" I said before she walked off.

She gave me one of her biggest smiles and I had to admit I was growing attached. Casie was a new chapter in my life and I never wanted that chapter to end. I finally felt complete, I had Colson and Ash who listened to my problems and Casie who kept me on my toes. This is the family unit I always craved for but it never came.

I walked backstage as Colson was doing his set. Casie walked up on the stage holding Ashley's hand she looked terrified.

"I'd liked to introduce the world to my daughter, Casie!" Colson screamed in the mic.

He looked so proud to be showing her off, like he was showing off his favorite trophy. Casie said a quick hello in the microphone before Ashley brought her backstage.

"You did so good!" Slim screamed running up to Casie.

That made my heart smile, she was so scared and now she felt like she had all the power in the world. Casie was like everyone's child, she loved and was loved by everyone. I walked up to Dre to ask him what was the plan for tonight.

"Were probably just going to chill backstage for awhile and pretty much just hang out with people on the tour bus." He said.

I knew what that meant, they were going to get some girls who were down to have sex. It didn't shock me at all I knew what the guys did on tour, this was why I could never date a rapper.

"Oh that's cool, Casie and I will probably watch some more movies." I said before walking off.

I don't know why but I was sort of pissed, Colson was a sweetheart but also a manwhore. Sleeping with multiple girls every night, I hoped Casie never witnessed these things.

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