In the Eye of a Hawk:Unseen Spy

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Chapter 33

To Darius joy of his devious act thinking of his victory at hand,he fails to notice from a near by forest.A sharp eyed hawk saw and hear everything he does.As He levitates in the air the bird of prey flew in the air gliding in a smooth precise motion.Making its way slipping to a crisscrossed tree trunks,it flew towards the south back to its master.

As it smoothy lands to the ground it quickly shift,transforming it self into a fierce looking man with pitch black eye.

"Master!"the enemy is approaching and they are heading to the south making there attack from underground,they plan to take them by surprise.The prince is endanger,the shape shifter bow his head to Alexander as he uttered every information.

And one more thing, sire!Darius made a pack with Baal he summoned the creatures of Tartarus.They possessed the body of the dead armies while their souls were taken in exchange.

As Alexander take in the information,he warns his son to their mind link.

Be careful son! the army of Tartarus has been unleashed, Baal sided with Darius.The armies will come out of the ground to attack,be vigilant.Shift in your true form for you to sense then quickly.A loud growl were Knight's response to their mind link.

What a foolish creature,he is so stupid thinking that me,his king will be defeated by his cunning treachery!I may be old but he cannot match the power and knowledge that I obtain.Does your presence in any manner has been known while you were there?

No sire! I made sure that I hid my self well.

"Good!"I want you back there,watch their every move take two more with you.Find a weak spot of the palace,we will attack them in the time they least expect us.They want to play dirty let's gave it to them.Alexander dismissed the shape shifter,it flew quickly in a form of a hawk along with two shape shifter, one in a form of an owl and another in a form of a raven.

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