The Phantom Plays Hide and Seek

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Chapter 23

Irish POV

Once I'm done chatting with Lana I crane my neck and tilt it from side to side looking for Knight but I didn't see even a glimpse of his shadow.I stood up and excused myself,walking with no direction.Then I saw Dave talking to Titus,I push pass the crowd and head toward his direction.

Excuse me can I borrow Dave for a while If you don't mind me asking.I ask Titus politely,

"Certaintly as you wish princess,"Titus said nodding his head smiling as he bow his head and nodded at Dave then he walk away.

Ok....what's going on this time?....Dave said arms crossed eyeing me with a questioning look in his eye.

"Did that jerk make you cry?"Oh that good for nothing son of a.....

Whoa!...wait a second,Geez hold your wolf Dave.I'm just looking for him,I'm just wondering if you know were could I find him.I cut in,my hands clasp on his mouth,to stop bad words from coming out of his big mouth.

Uh...Ok I think I saw him heading towards the garden awhile ago.Dave said pointing his finger to the door that leads to the garden.

Thank you Dave I said pecking a kiss on his cheeks grinning,then I turn around and walk my way to the garden.

When I'm out of the garden I tried looking for him.

Knight were are you?...I yelled calling out his name,wondering around.Then I saw a blur movement from the bushes.It startled me that I took a step back,as I intake a sharp breath of air and I became vigilant of my surrounding.Then I shook away my fear and compose self.I strode my way to were I've saw the movement.Walking my way to the entry of a well trim scrub.I keep on walking till I'm inside of a huge garden maze.

Then I saw something went through the left.It seems like its telling me to follow it.So run toward the direction of the blurry movements that I saw.Then when I halt panting,hands on my sides. I took a deep breath and tried to look for him.When I saw nothing I called out his name again.

Knight this is not funny Ok I know its you who lead me here!....will you come out now.I yelled as I grow tired and my patience is running short.

Silence is all I got in response then I heard series of footstep walking towards me but I can't see were it is coming from.I glance from every direction alerting my self from a possible attacker.But then I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist grabbing me at the back and smashing me to its hard rock chest. I froze at the sudden contact,but then I sigh when I inhaled a very familiar scent.Calming my self I stood still leaning on him.

Looking for me princess? He whispered near my ear brushing his lip down to my neck.I feel my legs turns to jelly at the sensation of his lingering lips teasing me.

Knight....I closed my eyes and lean my body more on his hard rock chest.Savouring the feeling of being this close to him.

Hmmm..... what is it princess?

I turn around so that I am facing him, then I lean my head on his chest.Feeling his warmth and listening on his steady heart beat.Why are you out here?I ask not bothering to look up.

He chuckle in response and say,

Oh I find you enjoying your time at the dinner that you have not notice my presence.That's why I went out to take some fresh air, he said not looking at me faking the hurt on his face to make it believable.

But some part of me are not convinced at his explanation.I eyed him brow creased arms crosses tapping my foot on the ground.

"Ok quit fooling around and spit it out I know your lying Mr.Hunter!"

He shook his head smirking,You know me that well huh!...,pulling something out of his pocket.

Actually I know that if I went out,you will come looking for me any minute soon if you failed not to see me for just a few hours. I took that opportunity to take this time to lure you out so I can spoke to you alone my princess he said grinning mischievously.

Is that so?...I said eyeing him.

Yeah...because I want you to have this,it's an amulet from my mother she gave this to me so that when the time comes that I found my mate.She said that I would cherish to eternity,I will give this to her.It is not of just an ordinary amulet but a powerful amulet that wards off cursed spell.It will protect you from harm.You will be needing this when we went to Aegen to meet Tristan. Titus is right we should be cautious of him.He is not to be trusted.He said to me worried etched on his handsome face,he held the amythist stoned necklace up and put it around my neck and lock the latch at back of my neck.

Once he is done putting the necklace on me, I felt its warmth then I look at it admiring its beauty when all of a sudden,it disappeared like he did not put it there.

What was that? I told him holding on my neck making sure that the necklace were attached on my neck confused.

I told you didn't I.., the amulet holds power and it can also hide it self,so that the enemy won't be known of its presence.He said smiling at my dazed state.In doing so we can prevent Tristan from laying his hands on you.

Oh.....I..don't know what to say your mother is very kind to gave this to you,to us.I said clasping my hand at my neck.

She is indeed!.....and she is looking forward on meeting you one of this days he said smiling.I have this feeling that she has grown a feeling of liking towards you.My father, you see is a man with so many words of praises.He told my mother a lot about you.

I smiled back at him and we stood there in silence for I don't know what to say about what he told me.I feel so happy and calm knowing that both his parents likes me.Then after a long pause Knight began to talk,

Tomorrow all the armies will be training hand in hand in combat and testing their ability to attack and defence from near and far distant.While you and I are going to embark on our journey to Elven Palace,We will be traveling with horses and with my lackeys it will take us five days to get there.Do you still want to do this He ask with concern then he fed me with information of our travel and eyed me constantly,waiting for my response.

Yes I already made my decision I will talk with that monster.Let's just hope that I can get through him.So that we can stop this war from happening.

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