Unexpected Encounter

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Chapter 24

Irish POV

The sound of a clattering and clashing metal woke me up in the morning.I stretch my arms and wriggle my way out of bed.Then I saw Knight standing at the balcony looking down at the scene below.Where armies of Fae and Dark realm along with the wolves are engage in a hand in hand training. Series of arrows flew to the air reaching it's target with exact precision.Soldiers with shields create there rectangular shield while others with swords are at them trying to break through inside the rectangular shield to penetrate it and broke their defence.

While at the other side of the ground Fae creature's with powers bend their magic in their hands with ease.As they practice and test it's limit.

I walk my way towards his side and hug him leaning my head at his shoulder.

"Good morning babe,when are we leaving?I ask him.

"Good morning to you too.... my princess,"I already order the armies to prepare the horses and the bannerman is ready, we leave whenever you are ready.He answered then he bent down to peck a kiss on my lips.I kiss him back and when we parted our lips.I turn my heels and walk towards the bath to change.

Ok! give me a minute I'll fix my self, then we will head down there to bid farewell to all of them before we take our leave.I told him as I make my leave giving him one last look before I went inside of the bath room to change.

At the training quarters.....

When I arrived at the ground Titus summoned the armies to stop what their doing and file themselves in row.I walk pass thousands of armies eyeing them.They are kneeling on one knee head bent down,honoring my presence.

People of Fae......From now on you are the master of your own,bow no more to no one. I from this day onward,I gave back your freedom,all of you here are free to choose,those who don't want to fight this war can walk out and have a life of your own.

When I finished what I had to say I was greeted with silence ........

Then a commander of the army stood up and walk forward.

Your grace no one will back down on this war.It is a great honor for us to serve you.You wield a pure heart just like your father,we swore an ought to stand by the royals to serve them to our very last breath.And we will gladly embrace that pledge for we know that we are serving the right person.The man before me uttered his words with fierce and sincerity.

What is your name sir,I ask him with a warm smile.

Maximus your grace,he respond taking a quick glance at my way then he look at the ground again.

I walk up to him and cup his face raising it.Don't ever look down when you are talking to someone always look at them in the eye.I said smiling at him.

He nodded in response.

I let go of him and walk my way eyeing everyone.

Very well then!..... If you made up your mind.I want you to know that,I your princess will fought this war with you.For I did not come her to be protected,nor be your weakness.I came her to protect my people,free them from bondage and reclaim what is mine by right.I yelled every word I uttered so that every body could hear,head held up high defiantly,I stood my ground undeter. To victory!....I yelled once more raising my hand in the air closed fist,not failing my gaze upon them all.My heart is filled with gratitude for my people. They will never back down and offer there help to me even though they don't now me that much they put their trust and fate on me.I can't fail them,I told my self feeling the surge of happiness that fills my blossom.

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