Getting to Know Each Other

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"Loving someone, comes acceptance for who and what they are,
Embracing the  whole being of one another either of good and bad,
Being their for one another through ups and downs."

                                - cepknide27....

Chapter 6

Irish POV.

I'm happy for me and my bff,we finally found our soulmate. At first I can't believe it, that we are both fated to an Incubus. Let's just hope that it will end well for the both of us.Two days pass by,since that day we met our mates. Every night, Knight visit me in may house along with Mikhail and Lana.To do stuff together,and I can see Knight is trying to do his best to please me and to make up with the bad start that we had. 

There is this one time that he ask me to go out with him,we went in the park were,I thought him how to eat corn dogs.Can you imagine his reaction as he took his first bite.He said it is his first time to try it out and he is a bit hesitant at first.And as he took a bite he scrunched up his brow and laugh.

What is this! It taste like a pan cake with sausage in the middle he ask arms stretched as he eyed the corn dog.

At first he frown at me when I handed it to him.Looking at it with distaste, but I have my ways and I make him eat it any way and he end up liking it any ways. Its a fun experience for both of us though.

Three Months pass by......

Lana and Mikhail went in my house along with him.

We end up watching Titanic, I am so engrossed watching it tears welling up my eye when I heard Lana shout.

"So who's up for some pizza?"Guy's... Lana ask. Holding a box of newly delivered pizza.
I wipe my tears with the back of my hand and hoist my self up to grab one...

"I won't say no!, to that" I said picking up two slice of it and handling the other piece to Knight.He gladly took it from me and mumble his thanks before biting on his pizza.

You have a dirt on you lower lip I said wiping it off with a tissue .There you go.I said smiling at him warmly. Then I heard the sound of moaning and kissing.As our moments were spoiled and we got distracted we look at them and.....

Ew!....gross get a room you two, I said rolling my eyes at them.Mikhail just chuckle and carry Lana bridal style.

Ok guys! we will be living you two now, cousin take care of Irish ok!? Be a good boy and follow daddys orders man.He told Knight with a smug grinned,then he wink at me before heading outside to Lana's house.I slightly blushed at the message behind that wink he gave me.

Ha! ha! very funny Mikhail...
Knight said scoffing.

When the door closed I found my self pinned on a wall,next to the door.Knight is facing me with a pitch black eyes.I let out a low squeak then I felt his hands cupping my cheeks.I look at him in confusion for his sudden action,then he started talking whenhe saw my worried expression.

Irish I need to feed, he said to me in a husky voice. I felt him breathing heavily, then he started to shake a little. Then I saw him change.

Oh!! I gasp at the sight in front of me Knight is shidting infront of me.His eyes turned pitch black, as two elongated white teeth and long and sharp claws started to show. he looks feral but it doesnt change the fact that he is beautiful no matter what.

Look at me in the eye Irish and tell me you can love a monster like me! He snarl at me,but instead of shuddering in fear, I didn't.What I felt for him is love, monster or not I love him.I've fallen in love for him that night I met him at the bar.

Knight your not a monster!and yes! "I love you with all my heart."And I don't care of who you are or care of your undoing, what matters to me is that you are here with me.I know that you'll never hurt me here in my heart I can feel it, when ever you are around me I feel safe.After I pour all my emotion out, I broke down sobbing.But two strong arms held me up.

Why? Why love me? you don't know me that well.You shouldn't have trust me that well.Why Irish? He said laced with sorrow in his voice.I could have end up hurting you.And he held me tighter.Like I'm his life source.

I don't care!if I get hurt,I do trust you no matter what! and I love you.I said in between my sob.Isn't that enough reason for you to understand and stick it in your thick skull of yours!I said pouting.He started chuckling at my rant and hug me tighter. My princess is starting to grow horn huh!!

Shut up!! Your making fun of me you jerk!...

Oh! But you said you love this jerk awhile ago..he said smirking while teasing me by placing soft kisses from my neck down to my nape and in between my neck and shoulder. This send Shiver down to my spine.I moan for the pleasure that he is giving me.

I want you Irish.
Knight utter in a husky sexy voice.

Then take me I'm all yours love, I responded while caressing his back.

With those words I uttered Knight claim my lips hungrily which I respond with all I can, he lick my lower lips seeking for entrance then when I open my mouth he started invading my tongue.Then I feel my self being hoisted and he started walking to my room.He laid me down in bed and started undressing me.Then he told me to remove his clothes off. I obliged and took it off.I looked over his sculpted chest,his eight pack perfectly alighned and his arms bulging with flexing muscle when ever he move.

Knight probably sensing my line of thought Were heading,smirked at me and reach over gripping my thigh. He position him self and move slowly to my core.I bit back a moan as he made his first trust,wave of  searing pain hit me.

I look up to him and let out a soft moan. Knights eyes started to turned pitch black to glowing silver.He eyed my body admiring my nakedness.Beautiful...he utter with admiration and lust laced through his words. then.He move slowly then,trusted faster and deeper as we mold our body as one.

Moan for me Irish he said in a husky voice.I breathed out and let out a moan as my head tip back.

"Mmmm.... Knight" I called his name out as I reach my zenith.That's it my princess cum for me. He said while his hand is cupping my left mound and suckling on the other one.

He growled as he felt me coming, you're so damn wet love he said and he trust more harder and deeper Until I felt something exploded inside my core.

A few more minutes we are lying together in my bed naked while he is hugging me.I fell asleep as soon as I lay may head on his chest.

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