Bumping into Him

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Chapter 3

Lana's POV

After two and a half hours Mikhail pull over in front of Havens Club.

How much do we owe you? I ask him while Irish is waiting for me.

Oh! don't bother your self love,its on me.

Oh! thank you Mike I said and grab him by the neck and peck a kiss on his cheeks.

Ehemmm!... PDA much....
Irish fake coughing.

So!....Uh....goodbye for now! beautiful he uttered then he place soft kiss on my cheeks and drove off.

When Mike is out of sight, I face Irish.

Let's go inside and find you a suitable new boyfriend.So that you won't be acting like an old aged lady all the time.I told her and I grab her towards the club before she could even protest.

Irish POV

Hey what's with the grabbing thing? I ask Lana then I hit some thing hard.
Oof...what the fu.....I didn't have a chance to finish what I was trying to say because someone cut me off.

You blind!!! a booming angry deep husky voice yelled at me.

I cringed at the anger tone of a strangers voice.

I'm sorry I didn't see you there, I said eyeing the floor too afraid to face his anger.

Didn't your mother ever teach you to look someone in the eye while apologizing?He said seething and I see his hands balling into fist.

Oh fuck off !...
She said sorry already,cant you just accept it and move on.Besides your not injured are you? So stop being a dick!....your scaring my friend. Lana said rescuing me.

This time I held up my head up and eyed him, I'm tired of being look down and bullied. So this is it! I said to my self as I gain my strength with Lana's help.I have decided that she can not stood for me everytime I need to defend my self because I'm tired of being push around and I need to fight my own battle from now on.But when our eyes met. I felt something strange,its pulling me towards him, there is this thing that I cannot decipher about this man and I cannot put my finger on it. His so beautiful,his eyes were as bright as a deep blue sea, melting me away to the fantasy land,and as I lost myself in such beauty that it decipitate all the strength and reasoning I gather to face him ....

Done checking me out?Take a picture, it will last longer.The arrogant stranger said sarcastically,that take me out of my train of thoughts.

I am ...well I said after a long pause, sorry ok! you don't have to be mean and yell at me.I stammered

He didn't bother to say anything he just got that smug grin all over his handsome face.That I'm so wanted to wipe off on his damn beautiful face!

Ok then see you around miss clumsy! He said smirking evily while turning around and walking out, heading to the upper part of the club which is the VIP room.

He looks so damn hot!But he sure got a pretty bitchy mouth!!!.What a douche!

Oh for Christ sake Lana!!!

Yeah!yeah!yeah! I got the message.She said waving me off.

Come on let's get our selves a drink and get wasted,after that we have to dance ok. Lana told me non challantly ignoring my dampened mood.

I let her drag me along not saying a word and do as she say.

I busied my self drinking my cocktail staring at the crowd hautily gyrating at the sound of wild music resonating inside the bar.

They all look so happy and carefree,I wish I could be like them.Then I smiled at my own  thoughts.If that is even possible to happen.I was too focus on keeping my self always on the right path but as always.Weak person like me always end up getting dumped.Well I guess maybe because Im not good enough. Or maybe I was dump because I am who I am,a weirdo,clumsy and boring person I told my self,sulking as I drink the pain away hopefully.

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