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Chapter 7

The sound of the chirping birds at the tree near in the nearby window woke me up in the morning.I smiled at the thought of last night we shared together. I reach to my left but I find it empty, but what I found is a note.....

Good morning beautiful!

See you again to night my princess,I know I'm a bad person and I cannot promise you that I could ever change.But I will try, for you my love.


This letter make me cry, I held it near my heart and wipe my tears and whisper.

"I love you my phantom"....

I sigh and close my eyes.

When I open my eyes I climb out of bed, strip my clothes off and went straight to the bathroom.After that I put on my yellow button up shirt at grey jeans and I head down to the kitchen to have my breakfast.

Swaying my way to the stairs down to the kitchen.I grab the flour eggs and milk To make pancake for breakfast.

Ishy! Where are you?
I heard Lana's calling me from afar,I'm in here at the kitchen.I yelled back at her.

Hmmm....your making pan cakes,oh! and bacons too, she said tearing the already done pan cake and popping it in her mouth.Oh honey this is so good yum!can I eat breakfast here?She ask in a muffled voice as she fills her mouth with food.

Help you're self! I hand her the plate and fork.Dig in!....

Oh!...ok what's with the grinning?He'll no?" Your such a whore"!...You make out with him gosh! finally you got laid Yey!!! Hahh I knew it.

Oh god!!! Why give me a horrible friend like her!..I rolled my eyes and get my self a plate and start eating.

So its true? tell me every thing!!!now start talking!!!

Gosh! Lana have you ever heard of the word privacy!I think you should invest on putting it on your library so that you wont forget to use it.I said swinging the fork infront of her to make an emphasis.

She didn't say anything in respond,but she's stuck out her tongue at me.

Pleeease!!! She whine and pout her lips giving me a cute puppy dog eye.

Aghh!!! Fine I said groaning,putting my fork down and,I started telling her every thing.

Hey!!! aren't you going to say anything" Lana hello!!! you there?" I shake her shoulder for her to snap out of it.

I oh!.... Sorry geez!Ishy I'm so proud of you honey,can't believe you told him the stuck it in your thick head thing!... Its so not you. Ah ha ha ha!!! She fall down on the floor laughing hard holding her stomach, tears falling out on her cheeks.

Yeah! yeah! laugh at it, will you stop pissing me and help me clean this place and after that you're coming with me at the grocery store. Because we cant make those two eat pizza all the time you know.

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