Faery Princess;Surge of Power

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Chapter 17

Knights POV

While making my way to my office pain course through my body searing pain hit me.Then surge of infinite power flow through my body.I sense Irish frequent alter changing of emotions.

It felt strange,and disturbing,I know somethings wrong is going on, to my mate.I tried contacting her through mind link but I can't reach her.

Damn!....My temper suddenly flared.With out thinking twice I did what I thought was the right thing to do.Using my inhuman speed I went out of the building.Not caring if someone might see me speed walking to my car.

Hop on my black Novitech Rosso slam the door shut,I drove so fast...without direction.I was blinded with rage.All my life I feared no one,even death, not until I had Irish in my life,she change everything.I stomped the accelerator of my car to it maximum speed trying to make the car fly.I just have to make sure that my mate is safe and unharm.

What the hell is going on? Hell will break loose if something bad happen to her.I told my self once I failed to contact her again in  our mind link.

As I stop the car in front of the house I went in as fast as I could using my inhuman speed.My heart throb wildly
when I entered the house and called out for her she did not respond.

I decided to go up and look for her in our room.

"Holy fucking shit! What the hell is going on here!"I said when I saw Irish unconscious laying on our bed and my father sitted near her.I glared at him murderously.

I was blinded with fury,my hands trembled and my blood was heated with rage. What did you do to her?
I growled like an enrage beast eyes pitch black glaring at him.

He looked at me calmed and collected ignoring my scalding rage.

I strode closer to them,I went pass my father and kneel at the side of the bed where Irish is laying unconscious.

Irish wake up...its me Knight, I whispered softly,a few moments later her eyes fluttered open slowly.She looked at me then I felt her hands went around my waist,her face was pressed on my chest.I held her closed to me....

Are you alright? I asked her with gloomy eyes.Then I started to caress her soft cheeks.

She didn't say anything and started to get emotional, but she had manage to be strong and masked it afterward.But the tears of mixed emotion welled her eyes.

He doesn't know yet?Irish suddenly uttered looking at my father.

I creased my brow in confusion hoist my self up and grab my father by his collar.

What did you do to her! I yelled at his face.

"Don't you ever dare hurt your father let him go!"Irish glared at me with burning reproachful eyes.

The silence grow,tension between Irish and I flair up,our eyes dueled. Then she looked away.

Tell him,she said directly to my father.

I look to Irish and to my father back and forth confused.

My father started talking telling me every thing that took place while I was away.

When he had finished telling me everything he summoned a few fae nobleman to appear,to be of assistance to Irish.

I just stood there, trying to ingest all the thing I have learned,confused.I felt my brain is having a malfunction of some sort. What the hell! The story of the old ones that I heard over and over in the past were all true.And that Irish is the lost princess of Fae land.I heaved a long sigh,and stared at her she look so fragile and vulnerable.It must be very hard for her to take this all in.

I went near her again and hugged her,glancing at my father...

Leave us! I told my father and the nobles man.And when they were all gone. I let go of her so that she could breath in comfortably.

Are you alright love?I ask her concern evident in my voice.

I guess so.... she said in a weak voice.

Love is there anything you wanted me to do to make you feel better? Tell me,and I'll do it.

Nothing!just please don't leave me I'm so scared.she said stifling a sob.

I smiled at her,I promise I won't leave you again my princess.

Come on let's get you something to eat.I scoop her off the bed and carry her down to the kitchen.

She didn't complained she just clung her arms on my shoulder.

When we are in the kitchen I set her down and she silently took a sit on the counter area.She refused of eating anything but I insist that she must have something to eat or atleast drink.To that she just ask something to drink instead.

I manage to make a chamomile tea for her. To calm her sense,I handed it to her and she mumble a thank you.

I sitted next to her,observing her for a few minutes.

Then something unexpected happen.

I saw Irish eyes slowly turned bright gold,then wind swirls around her hoisting her off the ground, bright blinding light is eminating out of her then the ground started to tremble.When she flick her finger at the withered flower at the vase in the center of the table flowers comes back to life regaining its youthful glow.Then she fainted.

And before she hit the ground I have manage to catch her,and held her in my arms.

Then I heard my father spoke coming out of the side of the kitchen door.

"She no not of great power she beheld, within her.It is your duty as her mate to guide her",my father told me looking at me amused at what he was seeing.

I know that damn well! father you don't need to tell me what to do. I snarl at him.

My.... My...my...Your growing soft now son! I can't believe that I will be seeing you at this state caring for someone looking at her with such strong emotion.You care for her that much.My father told me leaning at the door staring at me, void of any emotion.

I need to get her to bed I just ignored my father's word and stood up carrying Irish back to our room.

I changed her clothes then tucked her to bed.I caressed her face then whispered.You don't have to be afraid I'm her to help you. I love you my princess I will guard you with my life from now on.No one will hurt you as long as you are with me.Then I kissed her cheeks and laid beside her.

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