As War Begin

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Chapter 31

Irish POV

I don't know how I make it out of Helios dwelling as I made my way out of his Palace.I was suck by a swirling hollow that appear at the gates.I lost my consciousness as it engulf me.

I lay awake at the top of the boulder were I onces sitted.When I stood up I saw Alexander smiling below me.

You made it precious one,he uttered as he point his finger towards me.

As my gaze fell upon my hand,I noticed that my countenance is glowing same as Helios.I gasp as I recall my encounter with him,he kept his promise to grant my immortality.I'm no longer a human but a celestial being perfect in ever brow.I touch my self smiling heartily then I look at Alexander to mouth a thank you.

I jump out of the boulder and land on the sandy ground with ease.Then I went to his side,we walk back to the palace taking our time admiring the view of our surrounding.

So!.... how does it feels to have your immortality in its full glory?He ask smiling at me warmly,eyeing me happily.

Its exhilarating!!!....I wish I could try out my power to see if I could control it properly now.Without it overpowering me,I told him excitedly.

Oh!....Come now child I've love to see you try,please by all means do it!...He said swaying his hand pointing at a grassy land.

I heave a long sigh and make my way to the empty ground.Kneeling on the ground as my knees touches the earth, I summon the elements of nature. Earth shook as the clouds darkens then I call out for the thunder to touch my hand were I lay my palm open.The thunder abides my bidding as it draw a blinding light in a flash it went down landing in my hands.I clutch the bolts of lightning in my hand then,I stood up to near Alexander.

Clapping his hand he congratulate me,Very impressive display of power!,its quite mystifying and very dangerous.If I were Darius I would think twice not to anger such a powerful enchantress.I made a courtesy while giggling like a child,then we resumes our walk as I carry with me the lightning rod.

At the gathering in the Palace.....

I stood with my transfigure state before thousands of legions of army.They watch in awe as they saw me making my way up in the balcony to gaze upon them all.

My people....... this is the moment I've been dreading,as much as I hate this to happen.But the situation calls for it,Tristan and Darius refuse to surrender.Their wickedness has blinded them already,they hear no reason nor see good in things no more.Debauchery and unquenchable need of power is what they want. Destruction is what they seek amongst us,we will not allow that to happen we will fight back.With the Gods on our side we will win this battle.And I will put an end to our lands suffering our people will soon be free....

"To War!!!.....I yelled at the top of my lungs as I raised the bolt of lightning sending it flying in the air.Hitting the clouds, heavens spreads a blinding light as meteor shower appear heading to the direction of Aelven Palace.Then a loud crushing of meteor reveberberated in the air.

"They want war!!!We will gave it to them,we will show them what we were made of.No one can oppress my people,if they defy me they will answer to me.Prepare your self to battle,alert everyone!!!......summon the witches and druid of the north to put up ward around the palace for protection.Take the villagers to safety for tomorrow we will attack the enemy.We have make it this far, no time must be wasted anymore.It is time for me to take back what truly belongs to me and my people.

At the morning.......

I woke up to the sound of a gentle knocking,I tried to ignore it.But after a few moments the knocking got heavier and was accompanied with a growl and someone hissing my name through the door.

"Irish,".....more knocking, "Irish,I swear if you are still not awake I'm so gonna break this door now!!!!Get your bloody ass off that freakin bed!"

I glance at the door,glairing at it trying to burn holes on it.Flinging back the blanket in annoyance.I grab my clothes that I have prepare last night and change as fast as I can.Then I went to open the door to see Mikhail and Lana who looking shifty.I open my mouth to ask her why but she put her finger to my lips and barge past me,Mikhail in tow at her back.Closing the door behind her.

"What the hell is going on?"I ask fumbling with my dress girts.

"This bloody Palace is surrounded with fully armoured guards and soldiers with swords and spears that's what!"She said fuming,twitching the curtains in the balcony and peering outside.


Lana went and sat on my bed in a huff and folded her arms,while Mikhail is trying to calm her.

Can't even get in the kitchen to make a cup of tea!its chuck full of sodding armies!!!...she said seething. I mean,I realize we have to face a freaking war but I didn't expect this whole bunch of people loitering around the palace.Its annoying me.


"Well if you were still lightheaded due to your sleepy state.Let me freshen up your memory honey!"

After your declaration of war last night,of course all the soldiers filled every part of this castle!Then there you are doing that sleeping beauty act.I wonder how you sleep through the night with all that freaking loud noise and chatting.

"Oh!....oops sorry I said shyly clasping my hands on top of my mouth."

"Oh!" Lana mimicked rolling her eyes hands on her hips.And let me tell you this,that's not the end of it either.They told me to come with Dave.They were to take us to safety, and I don't freaken like the idea of me leaving you here!All bloody hell will break loose,let me tell you if they force me to do so.They don't want a pregnant woman getting mad.I'll break someone's neck if they even try to get near me.She said face turning red as she brust with anger.

Mikhail and I look at each other,I nod my head to him,then I hold on Lana's hand.

Hey.....Lana don't do this to me now,I want you to be safe specially with the condition you are in.I'll let Mikhail go with you just please go with Dave.The witches are to take you to safety along with the wolves and armies.I told her with a soft voice seeking for her understanding.

But....but how about you?she asked staring at me with worried expression.

You don't have to worry about be I'll be fine,I promise as soon as all of this is over.I will see to it that I'll go and find you,I assured her then I hug her as she heave a long sigh as a sign of defeat.

Fine! I'll go with them,just promise me you'll make it alive ok!

"Ok mom!"I said fooling around trying to lightened up the her mood.

"Damn it!.... just promise me you'll make it!!!"She said snapping at me.

Ok....ok!I promise I said raising up my hand as a sign of surrender.Holding on to my laugh as she glares at me.

Don't make this a laughing matter Missy! you maybe a princess,but still I'm your friend and your well being is my concern.She said raising an eye brow giving me that knowing look,saying that I should put my act together and fix my self.

I just shrug my shoulder and sit next to her.Leaning my head on her shoulder,you worry to much calm down tigress!.Your putting your baby in stress.I hugged her and tilt my head towards Mikhail telling him to come over and take Lana to their room to rest.

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