Chapter 31: It All Ends Today

Start from the beginning

He looks at me apologetically and says "oh my God! What have I done?" And I say "nothing that can't be fixed." He looks at me and smiles and I smile back. It falls when we hear a scream coming from outside. Gitana! 

We vamp speed downstairs and meet Greg and Gabby who also heard the scream. We run outside and we see Gitana surrounded by a circle of fire, trying to get out, but the more she tried the more it rises. 

We look over and see Laura there smirking evilly. She says "welcome! You're just in time for your death." We glare at her and I say "you don't have to do this, Laura." She says, smugly "oh, you're right, I don't, but I want to! For Jonas!" 

Gabby, Greg, Damon, and I look at one another. Damon steps up and says "Laura, leave my siblings out of this." Greg, Gabby, and I say "Damon! What are you doing?" 

Damon ignores us and says "if you're going to get vengeance on anyone it should be me. I killed Luka, which led Jonas to try and come after us in the first place. I'm the reason he's dead. So, if you're going to kill anybody it should be me and only me! My siblings tried to stop me, but like the idiot I am, I didn't listen. I'm the reason Jonas is dead. I killed Luka and Greta, so leave my siblings out of this. This was all because of me." 

Gabby exclaims, worried "Damon!" Laura laughs and says, angrily "oh wow! You're a real idiot telling me all this! Perhaps I should only punish you and leave your siblings be. Okay! Then it shall be." 

I say "no! We were all involved! I killed Jonas by snapping his neck." Gabby says "I'm the one that lured him to his death." Greg says "and I planned it. So, if you want to kill our brother, you're going to have to kill us too." We all stand by Damon and he smiles at us and we smile back, but Laura on the other hand looks heated pissed. 

Laura says "well! THEN ALL OF YOU SHALL SUFFER!" She pulls out a stake and Damon says "yeah, go ahead and try... One stake, four of us. If you do manage to take out one of us the other three could easily just kill you." 

We all look at her and she says "you're absolutely right! Which is why I have a different way to use this stake." We look at her confused and she asks "remember when I told you how I was going to kill you and watch you suffer at the same time? Well! Here it is." 

She holds the stake up and starts chanting something and most of the wood on the stake comes off of it and starts falling everywhere, flowing in the air and we glare at her. 

She then uses her magic to choke us, forcing us to gasp for air which is making us suck in the wooden dust. When she stops, we start coughing and we fall to the ground in pain. I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. 

I look at Gabby and I see red veins popping out and Damon, Greg, and I look the same way. We cough and Gabby screams in pain still coughing. Gitana screams "STOP! YOU'RE KILLING THEM!" 

Laura says "I know! Speaking of which, you're next you little traitor." I look up and I see Laura use her magic to choke her to death. I see a knife nearby and I grab it and am about to throw it at her when she uses her other hand to send me flying with her magic. 

I spot Gabby and I see she is starting to turn gray. I exclaim, worried "no! NO! NO! NO!" I go to her and I hold her up and say "Gabby, stay with me." Greg and Damon crawl over to us and they look like they're about to turn gray too and when I look at my arm, I see I am too. 

Gabby says stuttering "th-th-there was wo-wolfs-bane on th-th-the st-st-stake." We look at one another shocked. It didn't affect Greg because he's not a werewolf, he didn't trigger the curse. 

Then we turn around when we hear someone fall to the ground and we see Klaus attacked Laura. The others run over to us and Laura gives Klaus a brain aneurysm throwing him off of her with her magic. She gets up and she uses her magic to pull everyone away from us and keep them in place. 

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