Chapter 1| It's Normal to Merge Into Another Person's Body, Right?

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~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I yawn as I passed Cherry Plum Bakeries. Who hates school other than me?

The answer is obvious: everyone.

I squint, realizing that my mom's car wasn't parked in front of my house. Oh my god! She always leaves me at home to do all my work and doesn't come back until I sleep. I literally haven't seen her in two weeks. I guess I'll call Violet, then.

I walk in to find cooked lunch on the stove. I ran my fingers through my brown hair. Well, at least I won't starve to death until she comes back.

I open my phone and call my mom. It takes her what seems like hours to pick up. When she does, I shout, " Mom, where are you! Will you ever listen to me when I tell you not to leave home without telling me?"

There's and awkward silence and then she says, " I've just went to buy groceries, calm down. Look, I'll be back in an hour." She hangs up. I huff, plunking down on a chair.

I have my lunch, and then I call Violet. " Hey Vi!" I say.

" Hi Kayla! Are you free today, I was just going to call you." I can hear the smile in her voice.

" Yeah, meet me in my house. I'll see you then, bye."

My best friend Violet and I haven't seen each other in, well, EVER! It's been the whole summer break and I really miss her. So, I wanted to meet her right away because we don't go to the same school. My school starts after tomorrow (We have two days to get our information together) and Violet's doesn't start 'till next week.

Violet is pretty. She has dark blond hair that only gets to her shoulders in tight curls, and green eyes. She's almost as tall as me, which makes me, being shorter than average, look taller than I am.

On the other hand, I don't like me. I am small and thin. I have medium length light brown hair that runs in loose waves. The only unique thing about myself that I always marvel at and absolutely adore, are my eyes. My real eyes. I have 'sea blue' eyes that everyone marvels at (for some reason), but what they don't know is that my eyes are another color, and if I were to take the lenses I wear off and show them my real eyes, they would all get scared of me, because I've tried it before. I have absolutely no explanation for them, maybe I'll find out what they mean some day.

I hear a knock on the door and I rush to open it, finding Vi at the door. " Hey! I missed you so much!" I say.

" Oh my god! You look so much taller!" she hugs me, smiling.

I smile back before pulling away, " Lets go for a walk."

We walk outside and then she says, " So, what did you do on holiday?"

I look at her with a smile, " We went to Dubai and it was awesome! We swam with dolphins and did so many amazing things! How 'bout you?" I burst out.

"Well, we..." she started, but I cut her off.

" You have a leaf in your hair. Here, I'll take it out." I said. My eyes narrow on the brown plant stuck in her locks. How dare it! As you've probably already realized, I'm a weird person.

As I tried to poke the leaf out of her hair, I rested my hand there for a second, thinking of how it would be like if we could sit in my room and pour our hearts out. We haven't done that in a long time. All of a sudden, I felt a sensation of wind and all was dark. Then my vision came back in a different perspective... I could see exactly what Vi would be seeing. What the hell?

What is happening? It tried moving, and violet's foot came into my view, as my foot... There was only one explanation. I was inside her...?!


Hey guys! So that's the first chapter. Hope you like the next one (sorry about the cliff hanger!)

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