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The sun shined down across my hair, causing a glimmering color changing at every step. This caused the light to make my dark irises squint, blocking almost everything ahead. I looked down trying to figure out the map that was on top of the massive pile of books I held. Freshman hall, west wing, dorm 108. Yet I was utterly lost on this huge campus. It was much different than my small town high school; everything was so new. I don't know-it's all just overwhelming.

Everything on the map seemed to juggle around and I looked for signs that could help me. I stepped my foot out to turn, ending badly. "Shit!" I mumbled as I watched the tall man in front of me fall to the ground, hitting the pavement. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry." I yelped, setting my books to the ground. I kneeled down beside him, taking his arms and pulling him up. Scanning around, nearby was a stone bench practically calling for us.

"Here sit..." I hummed, bringing my books along to the bench thereafter. "I'm really sorry..honestly I didn't mean to." I continued babbling practically making a fool of myself. His head was down, only showing the red SnapBack he wore. "Babe, slow down." His first words whipped fast causing me to halt my words. He definitely had an accent. "I'm fine." He huffed. Finally, his head raised up looking up straight into my eyes.

Electric blue. As if his eyes pierced through mine. A sweet, savoring smile. Charming wasn't he. "Oi, hey kid. You a freshman?" Kid? Who does he think he is? "Yeah." I huffed, pulling together my books ready to leave this loser alone. "I could walk you to your dorm, maybe?" Sweet talking his way in. If he thinks that I would fall for that move? Nope. But then again, I was lost as fuck.

"No thanks." I turned on my heel leaving him hanging. Slowly I stopped, spinning myself around once again. "Actually...I can't find the Freshman hall so do you think you could-" His lips formed a smirk, "Of course, kid."

"It's Sophia to you." I groaned. We began to walk, his eyes never leaving my body. "I like kid better." He thought this was laughter-worthy, breaking into hysterics. "What about you? You're probably not that much older." I crossed my arms, narrowing down my eyes at him. Little cocky boy. "I'm a sophomore. Which makes you, kid. Although...maybe if you come to this party tonight...I might change my mind." He backed me up until my back slowly hit against a door.

My breath caught in my throat as this mysterious, absolute stranger was almost going to kiss me. "Room 108." He whispered nearly touching my lips, quickly he pulled back and continued walking down the hall. "Were you about to ki-" I quickly shut up as he threw me my phone back, chuckling as he turned down the hall.

In my palm I looked down to see his contact page.

'That Hot Sophomore' 


In his dreams...

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