And luckily, the Doctor was very easy to read today.  He chirped his goodbyes and flew out the door, not really knowing a lot about how much time he had, only knowing that based on Jackie Tyler's tone he should've been there a few hours ago.  Which he hadn't been.

Well, in his defense, he had been on the clock at work, and didn't that count for anything?  He was being the breadwinner for Rose Tyler, he'd been a little busy.  

But did that mean that she'd gone into labor several hours ago?  He picked up his speed on the way to his car.  What if she'd already had the baby?  What if he missed it?  That would just be awful.  No, breaking every traffic law known to London would probably be the better option at this point, and he was going to take it.  

He all but threw himself into his car and revved the engine (Something Pete said he should never do, but he liked the noise) and took off from the car park.  If there was one man who knew how to speed, it was the Doctor (John Smith).  And he did just that, his heart pounding wildly in his chest.

What if Rose was in trouble?  What if things weren't going well?  Was she alright?  He wanted to know exactly what she was doing, what she was going through.  Had they given her pain medication?  Rose was very temperamental when she was in pain, he knew that full well, and hoped to keep a tight reign on that right now.

Had there been anyone in the hospital parking lot, he probably would've killed them with the speed he swung into it.  Awarding himself mild congratulations for not getting arrested on his way here, he paid for parking and tried not to look too obvious as he walked very, very quickly towards the nurse's station.

"Hello, yes, if Rose Tyler-Smith is here, I'd like to know what room," he rushed out, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

The nurse was less than helpful and must have been there since the early morning hours, based on how tired she looked.  Her eyes slowly moved from him to the computer and she held up a finger before typing something in.  "How are you related to her?"

"Husband.  Married.  Married, she's having my baby right now and can I go up please?"

The nurse blinked at him.  "Room 543.  Knock yourself out.  And congratulations!"

He smiled and thanked her and didn't try to disguise the fact that he was running for the elevator at top speed.

He ran smack into Jackie Tyler when he got off the lift, which was, in fact, the worst part of the day, because he certainly did not want to see her right now.  

"About time!"  Jackie grabbed his arm and started pulling him down the hallway.

He couldn't help but be a little bit indignant at her words, like he hadn't just almost killed people to get here.  "I got here as fast as I could!"

"Rose has been yelling for you for an hour!  Would it kill you to check your messages?"

"I was on the clock!"

"So's your wife!"

Point taken, the Doctor pulled from Jackie's grasp and shot into room 543, almost slamming into a nurse who was on her way out.  He stuttered out an apology and slid into the bedside seat, taking Rose's hand.

She turned her head to look at him.  She laughed breathlessly.  "Always have to make an entrance, you."

He laughed and held her hand to his mouth.  "How are you feeling?"

"Awful," She admitted.  "They're gonna get me the drugs soon."

"I thought about that on the way over here."

"How many people died on the way over here?"


"That's wild.  I'm proud of you."

He smiled and brushed back a piece of hair from her sweaty face.  "I'm proud of you."

"You bloody better be, this is a lot of work," she shot back, but she was smiling.  

He stayed there the whole time, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair and doing the breathing with her (and almost passing out because he really didn't have as much of a respiratory bypass system as before).

"Altha Lily Tyler-Smith," The Doctor mused when he held their daughter in his arms for the first time.  "That is a rather strong name, isn't it?"

Rose reached her hand towards the baby, who wrapped a hand around one of her fingers.  "I think so, yeah."  She looked up at him and saw a tear tracking down his cheek.  "Doctor? Are you alright?"

He lifted his gaze to hers and she reached out to touch his face gently.  He laughed and looked between her and Altha.  "You know this means you're really stuck with me forever?"

She smiled.  She knew what he meant.  She knew he was happy he wasn't alone, that she'd accepted him, and that he had a real family again.

"Good.  I promised you forever and I meant it."

And she did.

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