Chapter 17: Mr- I -hate-Reflexes-and-am-going-to-kill-the-ninja

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Thump thump.

I turned my head and blinked lazily, Zane being taken off his feet by number three, and hurled to the ground. Jay was forcefully jabbed, while Lloyd kneed number threes face.

Thump thump.

Zane groaned and his head smacked back, shoving gears that were usually invisible when his skin was on. One blue eye was dimmed. 

Thump thump.

The banging on the elevator seemed to match my heart, going slower and slower. I blinked again, trying to focus on the small crack appearing on the wall.

Thump thump.

Cole appeared in my face, shaking me vigorously, but it felt like nothing. His mouth was moving but only mumbled jumbled words came out. I couldn't understand it, and I didn't care.

"I wanna sleep," I mumbled, closing my eyes. He slapped my on the face. Everything came whirling back to me as the sharp stinging awoke me.

"Kai!" Cole screamed. "Get up!"

I moaned as I moved upward. Ninja never give up. Ninja never quit!

Hisssssssa! The air made a weird hissing sound as Mr- I -hate-Reflexes-and-am-going-to-kill-the-ninja threw a small metal device, which attached itself to the elevator.

"Unattaching device from the wall in 5," the mechanical voice stated as a matter of fact.

And the count down started.

I threw myself at Mr- I -hate-Reflexes-and-am-going-to-kill-the-ninja, desperate to stop the device. My sister was in the elevator! And Cookie! Sure, she hasn't been with us that long, but Lloyd had a crush (even if he won't admit it) on her and I can't stand him loosing anything else important.


Zane matched his fist to his victims and he cornered him, delivering the final knock out blow. His eye lit up as he turned his blue eye.


Jays eyes held hope, as well as a frightened look as he battled number four against the wall. I could see that he knew Nya was in real danger. He didn't crack a smile as he fought with all he had.


Lloyd came up behind number four, who freed himself and charged at Jay, throwing the potted plant and knocking him out.


Cole dove toward the elevator doors as the girls shrieked, denting the elevator walls with their fists.



Cliff hanger.  Bwahahahhahahahhaha. Sorry I couldn't update sooner, I just had writers block and have a busy life with doing bad in science and math and what not.

And then I get math homework. And a babysitting job last minute.

anyway, here's the chapter. Sorry if it wasn't what you expected, I don't really know what happened, it just did haha

Anyway, enjoy :)

If you were the ninja, where would you have hidden in the room?

Even if my personality matches Kai, I could never have held my self upside down under that table for that long haha.

And I would have been so visible behind the plant.

I think I would have been the girls, because the elevator really is a good hiding spot.

Or Lloyd, throwing my ear piece off the tower. Smart, right?

What about you!?

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