Giving in: helping family

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  Asura's POV

I used my senses to help me find my daughter...I know she's not dead I have to find her she will help me...I KNOW IT! I found her. now I'm on my way. I found that she rides the ghost runaway express. I got on and the conductor looked at me and smiled

"ah Kishin Asura I know what stop you want"

"ummmm you do?

"yes the forbidden stop, your daughter Ravens stop"

"YES! that is the stop I want"

"good we'll be there shortly"
when we got there I got off and looked around I saw Dragons flying around, a really big estate with bush's and mazes, and in the middle a HUGE mansion with a gate on the top of the gate it read: "Dragon Manor"
this is the mansion:
I looked and saw the lock had my symbol. so I went up to it and I traced it with my power. and it opened...I made sure to close it and re-lock it. I walked up to the door and some dragons looked at me but opened the door. before I walked in I turned around and said
"DO NOT TELL MY DAUGHTER I AM HERE SHE WILL FIGURE OUT ON HER OWN GOT?!" they nodded and I walked in and sat it's time for me to wait. I heard her walk in, now it's time.

Ravens POV

"please Raven I need your help. They will come after both of us."

"I don't want to put my witch's and weapons in danger daddy"

"Please I'll be no trouble"

"I-but-what about-"

"It's fine with us" (BLUE IS DEMON) the rest nodded with him.

"ok fine daddy you can stay" I said


"but," as I walked up to him and grabbed the 4 souls of my dragons just as he was about eat them. "you have to earn these souls" I smirked and put them in a jar. he looked surprised but nodded. ok this is going to be fun.
As the days passed by Daddy earned his souls but what was sad was the my dragons don't have kishin eggs for souls they are as pure as deaths. as is mine and Demon.  

Asuras Daughter (a Justin Law love story)Where stories live. Discover now