The Past: 16 years of hiding

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  16 years ago the Kishin Asura
Escaped and fled Death City.
Some witchs helped him and hid him from
Death. there leader the witch Pandora
fell in love with Asura. Vajra fell in
love also 9 months later a little girl was
born to Asura and a boy to Vajra.

she had eyes like her father. and he
had eyes like his mother (imma say Vajra is a girl).
they named the girl Raven and the boy Demon
knowing that he was the next Demon sword.
one year after they were born,
Asura was caught he ate Vajra again
and they were sealed away once again.

Death wiped out all of Pandora's coven
including her, or so he thought. one witch
took both of them and made it out of the area.
when the children were 6 they bonded as weapon
and miester,Raven also found a Dragon and named it Ricksha.
there bond was unbreakable. no one could figure out
why the were unbeatable. when they were 13
a boy with no miester found there foster mother
and killed her, taking her soul and becoming
the youngest death scythe. Raven and Demon
didn't see who it was.

for 16 years Raven and Demon have been
able to escape Lord Death. now when her father
and his mother are set free by a snake woman and
her minions who Raven had come to trust.
she will have no choice but to go right
into Death City and maybe fight.

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