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Hi. My name is Raven.

my hair is like asuras

my favorite color is black.

I'm a miester/witch.

because I am a witch I use magic.

But because my father is a kishin.

I feed off his magic so im very powerful.

More powerful then him. my weapon

is Demon. hes the Demon sword.

He is also a Death Scythe.

I live in an abandoned mansion

that you can only get too by

riding the Ghost runaway express (ha i changed it)

which u can only find at night.

my symbol is a Dragon.

I have several Dragons

but Ricksha my main Dragon.

He can change size so I can

ride him if i need to.

With my Fathers magic i

can call upon all the shadows

control them. I'm not with the DWMA

but im not against them. anyway I have

to go...oh I forgot i have witchs that stick with me.

Missy (the mizune girl in this there all one) she wields a staff Alec

Eruka (in this one all the witchs are miesters and there weapons resemble one the main cast used)

she has twin pistols Luca and Logan (twins)

and my right hand chick Blair she wields a scythe Mark

I used to have Medusa on my side but after she was killed the first time i dropped her.

Eruka and Missy took painful punishment but stayed with me.

Blair was with me all the way. well i really do have to go byez.

Asuras Daughter (a Justin Law love story)Where stories live. Discover now