chapter one

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I'm not that noticeable. I could be standing right next to you and ten minutes later you finally realize that I'm there. I admit that it comes in handy, I can walk into a room and hear an entire conversation then walk out. in other words....I know everything in this town. ever the fact that there are vampires, werewolves, and witches in mystic falls. And let's not forget the originals that just happened to move in.

Ever sense I was born I have known that the supernatural existed. I have been trained by my dad for years. And when my parents died in a car crash, I knew I had to protect my siblings. Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. But ever sense that day, everything has gotten worse. Two vampires showed up in town. Damon and stefan Salvatore. Drama was the main thing in this town and elena had figured out she was a doppelganger. Yeah. Things were a mess. Bonnie figured out she was a witch and Caroline was turned into a vampire by Katherine petrova.

You know I don't even know if elena knows I know about the supernatural. I have been around when they were talking about it but that doesn't really mean anything, I'm practically invisible. But I don't plan on asking. She might try to have Damon or Stefan compel me to forget. And if she did that, she would be losing her love triangle very fast.

When Elena had been kidnapped I didn't bother to worry. Salvatores would fix it.

When Elena was being suicidal. Damon brought her back.

Elijah, one of the originals. He was the main focus of the Scooby doo gang. In fact this how me and the little gentleman met.

I had been standing next to Jenna while she went through some boxes in the closet. I had been there for about 20 minutes. Elijah had glanced at me but other then that he was focused on Jenna. He was at least 1000 years old. I could tell by the way he held himself. In fact there are many things I had learned about him just by listening and watching him. There was no way I would leave Jenna alone with him. Yet he did not seem like a threat, at the moment at least.

Elena had walked down and stood right next to me. She started talking and the closet door moved showing Elijah.

"Oh this is Elijah Smith he a journalist." Jenna said and elena just stood there scared.

"Hey." I waved at him and the attention was on me. Elena let out a sequel and jumped high in the air. She looked at me with big eyes

"Holy sh*t!" Jenna said dropping a box. Even Elijah looked slightly startled. "How long have you been there?"

"20 minutes." I said leaning against the wall. I smiled and tilted my head to the side. I stuck out my hand towards Elijah. "Olivia Gilbert, pleasure to meet you." I said and he took my hand kissing the back and watching for my reaction. I didn't have a reaction which surprised him. If he was listening to my heart he would have hear no change in patterned either.

"The pleasures all mine." Elijah said letting go of my hand. "I did not know there was three of you." He hummed confused.

"I know." I said. "May I speak with you alone?" I asked out right.

"I don't think that is-" elena started to speak but I waved her off.

"Please?" I asked Elijah. He nodded his head and we moved into another room.

"What is it that you need to discuss?"

"When you go and make a deal with elena make sure in this deal that she doesn't do anything reckless." I said bluntly.

"I am not sure what you mean." He said trying to play it off.

"Let me but it simple then. I know everything in this town. I know about the supernatural. And I know the role elena plays in it. If I am wrong and you have come to harm my family, I am sorry but I will have to kill you with one of those pretty little daggers. Now before you do something stupid like most of the vampires in this town, I would like to make this clear as possible. It is you who makes your self an enemy or a friend. I can go either way. This doesn't effects me at all. But be warned my family is everything to me and I do not plan on losing anymore. Was that clear enough or are you going to play stupid?" I asked.

"Interesting." He said looking at me. "I understand"

"Thank you." I smiled innocently at him. "I think you and me will get alone nicely." I patted his chest. "Now let's get back to elena so she knows you didn't eat me."

Yeah that was an interesting day. Ever sense then Elijah and me have been great friends. Now moving on to when I met and saw klaus in his original body.

"Thanks for the loner mate." Klaus said patting alaric on the shoulder. I was sitting next to Damon and just listening to the conversation.

"I'm guessing you're klaus?" I asked and everyone jumped.

"You need to stop doing that!" Damon said picking up the pieces of glass and spilled alcohol.

Klaus was staring at me trying to figure out who I am.

"Olivia Gilbert, nice to meet you." I smirked.

"There's another one?" Klaus asked confused.

"I'm the eldest, sweetheart." I said tilting my head. "Though if I had to chose I would say this was a better reaction than your brother." I said looking at klaus's confused and shocked face. "I have to get going. But I must say it is very nice to meet you." I smiled innocently and walked out of the grill.

Then of course there is rebekah.

"Don't mind my sister she can be quite mean." Klaus said while a girl with blonde hair came walking in dragging Tyler behind her.

"Quit being an a*s" rebekah said.

"I like her already" I smiled innocently.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Olivia. The other Gilbert." I smirked.

"I like Her."

And now in present time.

I was leaning against one of the walls in klaus's mansion. Damon, Stefan, Elijah, and klaus sat at a table talking about something wasn't paying attention to. They didn't even know i was there. Ok correction Elijah did but that was only because he searched the room for me. He has been doing this Alot lately. He searches the room for me because he knows I'm going to be there. Sometimes he has even looked pass me.

"Sorry, but no deal." Stefan said and I was muttering to myself how much of an idiot Stefan is. Damon and elijah walked out of the room and I followed behind.

"I call opening Rebekah's coffin." I said and Damon jumped.

"Stop doing that." Damon complained and I ignored him going over to Rebekah's coffin and opening the lid and pulling the dagger out.

When she woke up i helped her out.

"Hello Olivia, you haven't been having to much fun with out me I hope." rebekah said smirking.

"Me? Never." I smirked

The other Gilbert (Kol Mikaelson) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now