Psp one shot

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Hi guys

Here is the next one shot this time from Arthur's pov just so you know and its in the first person ^_^ but at the end i do two lines of Merlin's pov

This just came into my head and I had to get it down

Please if you have any suggestions on one shots i can do then do post away

I like to have a challenge hehe

And remember these are just for fun, they are stupid and crazy and weird but sometimes its fun to do things like this. Such as a pap wouldn't be around in there time but that's y it's funny.


I found myself in my chamber alone, it wasn't that late so I had been wondering where my lazy, stubborn, annoying, idiot...sorry getting carried away with myself there.

I can't believe I'm so concerned about my servant that would be seen as unlawful. As I went over to my bed, I found some strange looking thing. It's white with some strange looking materiel I haven't seen around before and said PSP on the top of it.

I picked it up wondering what it could be. Then a sound starting coming from it and I threw it across the floor but the sound continued.

"What the hell!" I managed to say. My chamber door opened and my servant Merlin came into the room.

"What is wrong sire don't tell me you found another rat?" Merlin asked cheekily.

"Merlin look over there, can you hear that sound. I think someone is trying to enchant me with it," I said clearly worried.

"Oh sire, there's nothing to worry about," Merlin says and then whispers more to himself, "I would feel it if it was magic I am a warlock...oh I didn't mean to say that out loud," said Merlin coming to realize he said it a bit too loud.

"You are a what?" I asked quickly.

"Oh sire there is nothing to worry about it is just a PSP," smiled Merlin.

"Yeah I established that but what about you being a warlock?" I asked.

Merlin stayed silent. "Hang on what is a PSP?" I asked him.

"It shouldn't be here though....." said Merlin.

"What?" I said confused.

Merlin tilted his head, "Sire I think your dreaming," he said before I found myself blacking out.


"Morning," spoke Merlin as I sat up in bed.

"Merlin what is a PSP?" I asked him.

"I don't know sire did you have a bad dream," laughed Merlin.

Merlin's POV

I had hid the PSP in my pocket, put Arthur onto the bed before leaving him there for the night so Arthur would never know about the PSP or that I'm a warlock. I need to learn to keep my thoughts inside my head. Now I need to figure out exactly how this PSP got into this time in the first place.


Alright second one done what you think ???

Merlin and Arthur one shots (For fun not historically correct or long that's the point)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن