97 // Day 7,346

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Lola yells down the corridor from the kitchen asking if anyone wants some tea

Within seconds all her 3 flat mates, which were boys, careened into the kitchen

They all gaze at Lola through awed eyes as she passes their cups of teas

Slowly I individually fire dirty looks in their directions

I finish helping Lola unpack after we finish our tea

Once we finish Lola gazes at me through expectant eyes

Tears begin brimming and one escapes and slides done my cheek

Soon both Lola and I are hugging each other tightly crying

After 10 minutes Lola and I break apart and dry our tears

"Be safe, stay away from boys, don't try and hurt anyone and keep your head up," I state through sniffles

Lola nods her head as she wipes her face with the back of her hands

In the car I cry some more before actually driving away

For so long Lola was always at my side regardless of what happened

When I came home I expected, I knew, she would be there

Now she wasn't

She was going to be far away

My heart splinters and cracks at the thought of her being all alone

When I get through the door Hannah embraces me

"You still have two more -soon three- little darlings to take care of," Hannah reassures and I nod my head meekly

That night Lola calls me at 4am slurring down the phone how much she loves me

Chuckling tiredly I laugh

"I love you too Lo,"

L O L A (COMPLETED ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now