66 // Day 6,505

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I'm exhausted and tired after the treatment and I go upstairs to rest

Lola enters my room and snuggles beside me on the bed

"Can erm... Zara sleep round?" She asks tentatively

I chuckle squeezing her waist gently

"A little birdy told me that she was now your girlfriend?" I ask cheekily

Lola shoots up onto her elbows with a shocked expression

"Anna needs to learn to shut her mouth!" She gasps despite the cheerfulness glistening in her eyes

"So can she sleep round?" Lola continues smiling widely at me

"Unfortunately I'm not sexist, if Daniel couldn't sleep round then Zara can't sleep round," I state

Frowning, Lola huffs before leaving the room in a dramatic flurry

However in a couple of seconds she returns and resumes her position in my arms

"Don't talk to me," she demands snuggling on my chest

I squeeze her waist gently and we sit in a comfortable silence

"When will you start losing your hair?" Lola asks curiosity thick in her voice

I let out a hearty laugh before realising how much I'll miss her

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