30 // Day 657

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I've just picked up Lola from ballet class and my temper is extremely short

Work is stressing me and it's not helped by Ethan's constant meddling and check ups

For Gods sake it's nearly been two years

Lola is demanding to go the park and have some ice cream but I'm not having it

She continues whining in the car and in the house

Wrenching my tie off, I throw it to the side in any direction while Lola toddles after me expressing her demands loudly

"Shut up Lola you're not going to the park or getting ice cream!" I roar thunderously startling her

She gazes up at me with her scared bambi green eyes

Her face puckers up before she begins crying and awkwardly runs out of the room

Mortification overwhelms me as I run after her

Lola's slapping her small hands on the back door desperate to go out

"Lola baby I'm so sorry...-" I begin stumbling over my words

"We can go get ice cream and go to the park if you want! I'll even give you some chocolate digestives," I begin desperately dropping to my knees

She's not listening and only cries harder

I reach out to hug her but she jerks from my touch and shrieks

"I want mummy! I want mummy!" She begins crying anguished

My stomach drops as physical pain envelopes my whole being as I watch Lola bang against the door and cry for Nasha

Eventually I open the door and she springs out and cries up at the sky

I watch with a heavy heart knowing that all the money in the world can't make up for the denial of her mothers presence and love

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