96 // Day 7,345

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The day has come to say goodbye to you my not so little Lola
You're all grown up and packed and ready to start a new life without me
I remember the days when it was just you and me oh so vividly
When you were no taller than up to my knee
Twirling and whirling
Screaming and shrieking
Crying and laughing
Kissing and giggling
I hope all the love I've showered with you will guide you to wisdom
Just know that everyone loves you
And please please don't forget to love yourself
At the end of the day you are the most important person
You'll make new friends and new memories
Don't spend all your money during Fresher's!
Behave and don't try and kill anyone (but feel free to punch them in the face)
You are young
You are bold
You are wild
You are loved
Whenever you feel lonely
Whenever you feel down
Whenever you feel depressed
I'm always a phone call away
At 12am
At 4am
At 6am
At 12pm
Whenever you feel grief
Whenever you feel loss
Whenever you feel overwhelmed
Just look up at the sky
Up at the twinkling stars
You'll know that your mother is looking down on you
Watching you
I'll try not too embarrass you with my tears
But know they're from a place of love and despair
Don't forget to about me
Don't forget to call
Goodbye my gorgeous Lola
Goodbye my baby girl

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