[1] You fall through the trees 🗸

Start from the beginning

Or, at least, wizards that are currently active. 

Her mind stopped its whirlwind of activity as her feet slowed to a stop, calming walking into the huge tent as if she didn't just rush over to see what was up. 

   "There you are, Crystal!" Wendy sighed, wrapping an arm around her younger sisters' shoulders in a side hug. "I didn't know where you ran off to, and Kat said you needed some alone time."

   "Just watching the clouds, Nee-chan," Crystal waved off, her matching eyes going to their guild master. "Is there a problem we need to fix?"

   "Not here," Master Roubaul started slowly. He was a withering old man, tanned from the amount of sun he got and facial hair as white as the snow. Crystal always assumed that he was either bald or had white hair, but the feathered head-dress on his head never moved to answer her.  "It's actually an alliance, three guilds have requested our participation."

   "An alliance?" Wendy echoed, toying with her navy blue hair. Her chocolate colored eyes were wide with shock while Crystal's eyes were lit up with excitement.

Master Roubaul simply nodded. "Mhm. Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, and Lamia Scale are teaming up with us to take down Oracion Seis."

Thunder boomed without warning outside, still a bit far off, but the rain didn't start up yet. The sisters jumped in surprise at the sudden noise, that strangely sounded at the dark guilds' name.

   "N-Nee-chan. . ." Crystal started, her voice getting softer before trailing off. She sensed the storm coming, but dropped that aside to react to their Masters' announcement. "We can go see other mages!! Won't that be exciting! Maybe we can see the Fire Dragon Slayer! Oh, I really  want to see Lucy's magic in person! It's so cool! Ah! Maybe Erza is as pretty as they say!"

   "Calm down, Crystal!" Wendy laughed, putting her hands on Crystal's shoulders to stop her from bouncing around. "You don't want to get hurt before we even begin now, do you?" 

   "Right." Crystal nodded, sobering up and putting on her serious face. Barely a second passed when her face split into two and she started to skip around. "I have to go pack! Oh! I have to tell Juis, Kat, and Briee-sama!" 

The youngest girl ran out of the tent in excitement, her shouts and calls for the three people she wanted to find echoing behind her. 

Master Roubaul let out a chuckle at the young girls' excitement, turning to face Crystal's older sister with a wistful smile on his face. "You have a ray of sunshine as you sister, Wendy. Even if she doesn't control the sun."

Wendy turned to face the guild master with a grin on her face. "Yeah, but that's what makes her Crystal. Bright as the sun and shines like a gem."


THAT night, Crystal hardly slept. She had packed her bag, unpacked it, packed it again, packed Wendy's bag, unpacked her bag - it went on for so long, that Wendy had to demand she go to sleep. 

   "You don't want to be too tired in the morning, do you?"

The simple statement knocked Crystal out like a light, her soft snores being muffled from the pillow she face-planted in. 

The morning of their departure was filled with good lucks and come home safely!  from their village.  The girls had packed lightly, just some clothes to change into and snacks that Briee-sama gathered for them. 

   "Take good care of Kat for me, will ya Juis?" Crystal requested, pulling her best guy friend into a hug. His brown locks tickled her neck as Juis pulled her close. Her best girl friend was squished in between the two, the pink cat with green eyes letting out a squeal in surprise. 

   "Of course!" Juis laughed, keeping a hold on Kat while hugging Crystal back. "Be back soon, please? We're gonna pray for your guys' safe return."

   "Thank you," Crystal smiled, giving Juis a peck on the cheek before kissing Kat's head. "Be good!" 

   "Always!" Kat replied with a bright smile, snickering up at Juis, whose face was as red as a tomato. "I think you broke him."

Crystal laughed, Kat quickly joining in before Wendy was calling Crystal over. "Come on, Crystal!"

In front of the forest, the echoes of good wishes filled the air just as the sisters were about to leave. 

   "Come back safe!"

   "Be good!"

   "Kick some butt out there!"

   "Don't do something I would do!" 

   "Bye, everyone!" Wendy and Crystal  shouted in unison before starting their adventure into the woods. It was when the village was out of sight and the commotion had calmed down did the two girls stopped. 

Crystal wondered if they actually wanted to do this. To go out into the world that seemed not-so far away now. To help these clearly bigger guilds take down a dark guild. 

As if they had one mind, Wendy and Crystal joined hands, clasping onto each other tightly and making their decision. 

They were going. 

   "Come on," Wendy smiled down at her sister, hands still holding onto each other. "We're probably going to be late."

   "Lets go." Crystal smiled back, starting their journey off in a run. 

Their laughter echoed throughout the woods, the two young girls innocent to the troubles that were about to hit them. 

And hit them it did. 

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