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•Slenderman's P.O.V.• (three years later)

"Yeah, I'm heading out of state. I've had this planned for a while, I would have broken it to you sooner but I didn't want you to worry."

"Oh, no! Please, I'm not worried." Jenny waved her hands, reassuring Brian. "I'm glad actually. You need to get out of here, get a life going somewhere else."

"Thanks, Jen."

"How are the new meds?"

"They've been working a lot better." He grinned. "My nightmares are finally gone and I've stopped coughing. This is the stuff you're on, right?"

"Yeah, it is. The only side effect-"

"Yeah, I felt that for sure."

The two of them laughed, standing outside of Brian's home. There were no longer bags under their eyes or sunken faces, they looked like happy and healthy, like normal twenty somethings should. I watched from the woods, remembering the last day like it was still yesterday. It sure felt like it.

We found Tim's body a while later, and we didn't bother trying to make it look like a murder, or a runaway. The Rake and I took care of the bodies, bringing them to where they wouldn't be found. Except this time we gave them a proper burial. Even Toby.

"What about their parents..." Brian asked, looking back towards Sable's home.

"I'll make them forget." I said. "No one should bear the pain of losing a child."

"What about the parents of the other kids you've taken then?" He asked suspiciously.

"I made them all forget too."

Sable's mother took it better than Tim's parents. She believed her daughter had died when she landed on the pipe. And Tim's parents believed he died of an accidental overdose. I removed the pictures and memories after the imaginary events, taking them all myself. Sable's room became dusty, with no one able to inhabit it any longer.

"You'll have to show me a picture of your new place." Jenny smiled, elbowing Tim. They were the last ones to still remember the events. They still remembered me, and I don't think they'd ever forget.

"Oh, I will. It's pretty sweet, I'm not going too far. Maybe you can come visit someday."

"I'd like that."

I sighed, turning away from the pair. I walked further into the woods, finding myself drawn to a familiar place, filled with nostalgia and pain. The concrete room stood strong as ever, graffitied and painted up like a cheap whore. So much blood had been shed here in just one night, it was sickening.

"Thy looked happy, didn't they?"

I turned to look behind me. Someone was leaning up against a tree, arms folded over a black and grey striped hoodie. She looked sad, but it was a happy sort of sad. Like she wished she could join them.

"They are happy." I placed a hand on her head. "They miss all of you. More than anything."

"I know." She looked down.

"Don't worry, dust bunny."

She seemed to perk up when I said her name. A smile crossed her lips, and she shoved her hands in her pockets.

"I wonder how they'd react if they knew." She stated glumly.

She had a heartbeat...

I couldn't ask her permission. But I couldn't lose her either. I had to do it, even if it meant breaking her. I can't lose her again.

"They'd be elated, and confused, and overjoyed."

"But it's better not to intrude, right?" She asked, looking at me. Her indigo eyes were as lively as ever.

"It is." I said. "It'll be okay, Sable."

"Yeah." She sighed, replacing it with a smile. "Let's go home. Let them be."

I had to make her a Proxy. It was the only way to save her.

"Sounds perfect to me."

I didn't realize until now that I completely changed the way Slendy spoke in the last couple of chapters xD oopsie my bad. But anyway, god this book was my first step into the whole slenderverse/proxy thing, it's shorter than some of my other books but god damn, I'm proud. I've left my friends shouting at me for the twists and turns. You know who you are cx but thank you guys for reading, it means a lot to me. I hope you liked the story and I'd love to hear feedback on it since this was sort of my first creepypasta oriented book. I'll be making more in the future though :)

Thank you guys so much, have a wonderful day <3

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