Chapter four

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•Slenderman's P.O.V.•

The girl barely put up a fight as the creature tore at her. She had lost her mind from me years ago, so in her mind she was hallucinating, like the doctors told her she was when she would see me. But this is one hallucination she'd never snap out of.

The Rake ripped her stomach from her body, along with most of her internal organs. She stopped screaming, her head rolling to the side and her wide open eyes staring at me. It dragged her into the home beside me, sliding its hand along the wall as it went. Blood and gore, that's what this one was all about. I didn't mind it much. A job is a job, and The Rake always took care of it.

I heard a sudden sound in the woods. Both of our heads snapped to the doorway as beams of light began to cut through the darkness. The Rake slid to the side, running out a side door, while I just ducked out of the way. I was curious as to who would be out here, at this time of the night.

As I peered out, I counted five bodies. Two girls, three boys. They all seemed about high school age, and the girls were holding handheld video cameras while two of the boys wore helmets with small rectangular cameras hooked to the front. They were listing off details of the scene like it was scientific data. So they weren't just dumb kids who had heard about the disappearances.

I couldn't really hear them, but I could see them easily. And I could see something walking up behind them. As a girls face paled, I smirked as The Rake reached for her hand. She squeezed it, obviously thinking it was one of her friends. They had seen the blood on the wall outside. I took this moment to step into the open, hearing small camera noises. Electronics always malfunctioned around me, and to this day I still haven't a clue why.

The girl suddenly looked at her hand. The Rake was gone, back into the woods. But she seemed to panic slightly, as she had no clue where it came from. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

"Hey Slendy!" One of the boys shouted. I'd only heard that name once before. "Why don't you come save your dust bunny!"

Dust bunny...I whispered to myself. The image of a little girl with brown sugar hair and indigo eyes filled my head. She was handing me a flower, a poppy to be exact. In fact, as I looked down, it still sat in my lapel, looking freshly picked.

But then my mind flashed with bloody images of that same girl, being impaled on a broken pipe that had been sticking from the ground in her yard. Then the ambulance came, along with the paramedics. My heart broke when I heard the word 'resuscitate'. I knew that her heart had stopped, they only ever said that when a humans heart stopped. The little Sable I watched from the shadows was dead.

Hearing that name now brought not sadness to my heart, but rage. How dare he say her name. The girl with the bloody hand seemed to pale, her eyes shining in the flashlights beams. For a snap second I thought it could be her, but no. While her hair was similar in hue, her eyes were a dark, muddy brown. I hadn't ever seen anyone in the back yard after that day, except for Sable's mother. But I knew that a humans eyes couldn't change colors.

As they ran, I felt an unknown emotion clouding my judgement. The anger was absolutely overwhelming. These kids were too smart to kill, no...

I'd make their lives a living hell.

•Sable's P.O.V.• (dream)

I was standing in the backyard, staring off into the woods. I'd given up on waiting after falling on the pole. I stopped sitting in the back yard, staring into the woods, where I knew he'd never come. I'd always have hope of course, but it was slowly dwindling away.

But as I sat here now, I looked to see a figure emerging from the darkness. It was Slenderman, standing above my head. He wasn't welcoming though. Black tentacles leeched from his back, squirming like vicious snakes. And I saw figures beside him. They were my friends, all...dead. They were missing their eyes and tongues, bleeding from every orifice, all the while they grinned numbly.

Dust bunny...I heard a voice ring out around me, echoing like it had all those years ago. But it sounded angry. Angry and broken, filled with pain.

"No...please no..." I backed away, suddenly tripping and falling. He loomed over me, a bloody smile painted over his skin.

"Imposter!" His voice suddenly boomed, and I felt something enter my chest. I looked to see a tentacle protruding from where my heart would be. I felt another one enter my stomach. Blood spilled over from my lips as I watched myself slipping away, the cold grip of death setting in. So this is how I would die.

I woke up coughing. In fact, I was coughing so bad that I accidentally woke everyone. I was hunched over, feeling like my throat was burning with every breath I took.

"Sable? Are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as Tim ran a hand along my spine.

"Y-Yeah." I sighed, sitting up and taking a look around. Daylight was pouring through the windows, and when I checked the clock it said it was almost ten. Good thing it's Saturday. "You guys should probably get home."

"Do you really think you can be alone right now? I mean, this thing is behind your house." Brian asked, genuinely concerned.

"I think I'll be okay. I lived here all my life, if it wanted to kill me, it could have done it a long time ago."

" safe, okay?" Tim asked, and I smiled, ruffling his hair.

"I'll be fine." I said strongly, even though on the inside, I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want that thing anywhere near my house, and I hated to say it, but I didn't want Slendy here either. He was obviously out for blood.

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