Chapter one

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•Sable's P.O.V.• (ten years ago)

My mother was dabbing makeup on my cheek, trying to hide the mottled bruise that was beginning to show. Dad had hit me again last night. I hated him.

"There you go sweetie." She smiled, revealing a missing tooth. Dad had hit her too. "Why don't you go play in the backyard?"

"Okay." I sighed, walking out the back door and sitting on a swing set. It was warm out today, and I was wearing my favorite dress. It was a deep violet, with white flowers sewn along the hem. I saw my reflection in a puddle beside me; sandy blond hair and indigo eyes. I could still see the bruise beneath them, so I looked up, my eyes landing on the edge of the clearing. I smiled.

Standing there was a man. He looked well mannered, wearing a business suit with a red tie. His face though was featureless, no eyes, mouth, nose, or hair. I was intrigued though, whereas I knew I should have been frightened.

"Hello sir." I smiled, stepping from my swing and walking over to him. I always addressed people by sir or ma'am. That's how dad raised me. "What are you doing all by yourself?"

Looking for you. His voice seemed to echo around me, like he didn't even speak it. I reached down, picking a poppy out of the earth and handing it to him.

"You found me." I giggled as he took the flower. "Are you going to be my friend?"

He seemed to look at the poppy for a second before looking back at me. You aren't scared of me?

"Of course not silly. Why would I be scared?"

Because my dear, I'm the Slenderman.

"Well I'm Sable." I grinned. "Can I call you Slendy?"

If you wish. He seemed to smile. I suddenly sneezed, holding my hands over my nose. I hadn't noticed that I was kicking up dust beneath me. I was allergic apparently.

"Excuse me." I apologized.

You sound like a rabbit when you sneeze. He chuckled quietly. I hadn't noticed how much taller he was than I.

"I'm allergic to dust. But I like bunnies."

What about dust bunnies?

"Those are real?!" My eyes widened, imagining the soot covered creatures hopping around.

Yes, my dear. He laughed louder. But they're the little balls of dust that collect in corners.

"Sounds just like me." I sighed. "I get put in the corner every day."

How come?

"I always do something wrong on accident, and mommy puts me there so dad doesn't have to punish me."

I held my hand to my cheek unconsciously. Slendy took my hand away, examining the bruise that lay on the skin. He suddenly touched it gently, his ghostly fingers tracing the pattern. He stood up straight, placing the poppy in his lapel.

I have to go. He patted my cheek gently, turning to walk away. But I promise you, your father will never hurt you again.

"Wait!" I grabbed his hand as he turned to leave. I felt desperate. "Swear to me you'll be back."

Of course, dust bunny. He squeezed my hand. I'll be back.

The next morning, I woke up feeling well rested and happy. I was excited to see my friend again. But as I walked out into the front room, I saw my mother quietly weeping at the kitchen counter. I walked up to her, tugging on her bathrobe gently.


"O-Oh, hey sweetie." She sniffled, trying to recompose herself.

"What's wrong?"

"Your...your father is gone, Sable. He's not coming back."

I would've cried, but I felt myself begin to smile instead. I hugged my mothers leg, knowing that my new friend kept his promise. He saved us from the man we were forced to live with, the beatings we were forced to endure. I wouldn't have to explain my bruises to my teachers again. I wouldn't have to cower in my room every day, waiting for him to come home and blame me for something else.

After a while, I got dressed, running outside and expecting to see my friend at the edge of the tree line. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw he wasn't there. Oh well, I thought, maybe he doesn't know I'm out here yet.

I sat down in the grass, counting the poppies that lined the yard. I sat out there all day, until mother called me in for supper. Even after though I went back outside, waiting until the sun went down. No matter, maybe he just couldn't come today.

Every single day, I walked outside, sat down in the grass and waited. Every day for years I was looking for my friend. He was the only one I had, sad to say. But every day for years, I was left disappointed and even heartbroken.

By the time I turned eleven, I had a firm grasp on what death was, and I understood that there were two options that correlated with my fathers disappearance. Either he left of his own free will that day, or...I hated the thought of it, but I knew it was true. Especially when I began hearing rumors about The Slenderman around my school.

"He's this big guy, taller than any human," a kid went on one day at lunch. "He always wears a suit, and he doesn't have a face. He stalks children and takes them, some people think that he kills these people and eats them, others say he does it just for sport."

"He didn't take me..." I mumbled to myself, suddenly losing my appetite and putting my food down.

"What was that?"

"I said he didn't take me." I spoke louder. It was a boy who was speaking. His eyes widened as he stared at me, excitement and fear sparking within them.

"You've seen him...?!"

"He..." I paused. "He killed my dad."

"Why didn't he kill you?" Thank god we were still young enough to believe in such stupid things, or else this boy would be teasing me more than anything right now.

"I gave him a poppy. And he called me a dust bunny." I smiled, remembering the nickname fondly. "He promised to make my dad go away, and the next morning he was gone. And I know he's not coming back."

"You actually met him, how freaking cool is that?!" The boy grinned. I smiled even more. I had a feeling I'd get along with this kid.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Timothy. You can call me Tim or Timmy though, if you like."

"Sable. I can tell you more about Slendy, if you'd like."

"I would." He smiled. Finally, someone to confide in.

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