Chapter eleven

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•Slenderman's P.O.V.•

I was staring at the man in the mask, holding him in the air with a shadowy tentacle. I wonder if he'll lose his memory after all of this like he used to, when he was taking that myriad of prescriptions. I'd visit him every night and every morning he'd wake up screaming. I hadn't even heard the approaching footsteps.


I looked to see a girl running at me, swinging her scythe like it was real. Her eyes were completely blacked out, and an X of stitches ran along her face. She had another proxy band on her arm, so I knew this must have been the other girl in the group.

As she got closer, I felt a slight buzz in the air, followed by a quick hum of static, and then she was gone. I ported her to a place where she couldn't be a bother for the time being. The guy in the hoodie was still there though, seemingly too terrified to move. I lowered his friend to the ground, watching as he stumbled slightly before looking towards the man in the hoodie. His name was Tim, I believe.

Tim took off after the hooded man, trying to kill him. He was completely under my control at the moment, and always would be when he was wearing that mask. Maybe I'd do the same with his friend.

I chuckled as they ran off, deciding it might be a good idea to see where that girl went. I ported to where I'd sent her, ending up outside the concrete building that seemed to be becoming a popular spot. I could hear crying from the inside, a peculiar noise. So I peeked in and saw something that would be heart wrenching for any human.

"Mommy...m-mommy..." The girl in the red jacket was wailing, clutching the woman The Rake had killed a week earlier. Another girl was in the doorway, the one with the bunny ears. I wonder how she got here so fast?

"Lenore?!" The bunny eared girl ducked beside the one called Lenore, trying to get her to calm down.

"My mom...she's dead...!" Lenore wailed, her voice full of pain. It almost hurt me a little bit. The flashlight on the floor by the bunny eared girl began to flicker in my presence, and she seemed to pick up on it pretty quick.

"Come on, Lenore, we have to leave." She began tugging on her friends sleeve, and in an instant I ported the body somewhere else to deal with. Lenore was wailing and screaming, and I could tell just by the sound she was broken. Well, there's two out of the group now, hopefully.

As they stood up, the bunny girl whipped around in the doorway, her flashlight going out. My sight took less than a millisecond to adjust, and when it did, I saw a girl standing there, her hood having fallen from her head. Anger lined her sharp features, the moonlight turning her porcelain skin pure white. And her heart skipped a beat...

The indigo eyes I hadn't seen in nine years stared back at me, ones once full of cherished friendship, now full of loathing and hatred. This girl really was my little dust bunny, all grown up now, and she was enraged.

"Why would you do this?!" She shouted at me, a tear slipping down her cheek while she did. "You're a monster! I never should have trusted you! I WISH I'D NEVER GIVEN YOU THAT POPPY!"

If I wasn't sure of her then, I definitely was now. As she ran away, I felt faint, and I slid to the fresh mud, my back against the wall. All I could do was pull the flower out of my lapel and stare at it. God, what have I done?

After I don't know how long I finally pulled myself out of my depression, standing up and beginning to walk. I knew porting would have been easier, but I just couldn't bring myself to function that well at this moment in time. The sun was beginning to rise as I stepped foot into Sable's backyard, something I'd never done before. I felt even stranger as I got close to her home, when suddenly my foot tapped against something on the ground. I looked to see the rusted pole that she'd impaled herself on all those years ago, the memory flooding back.

She must not have died...I said aloud, feeling horrible. It suddenly clicked to me all those years she'd been missing. Sable must have lost hope I'd ever be coming back, and couldn't bring herself to come out here and wait for me anymore.

On a whim I ported into her house, finding myself in what must have been the living room. It smelled like lavender and warm sugar, a scent that I hoped would cling to me even after I left. I walked through the house until I found a slightly adjacent door at the end of the hall, and when I peered through the crack I could see it was a teenage girls room. Even though it was intrusive, I opened it, walking in to see a bed with two bodies huddled in the blankets. Lenore clutched Sable's waist, while Sable lay on her back, her arm around the girls shoulders. For a moment I thought she might be awake, but I saw that her eyes were closed. She hadn't even bothered to remove the stitches from her cheeks before bed. I wonder if they're a permanent thing.

With a sigh I stepped closer, close enough so that I could see her more clearly. She had on a tank top, her hoodie laying on the ground beside my feet. Where Lenore had her arm wrapped around her stomach, her shirt had lifted up, enough for me to see a six inch long scar right over her hip. That must have been where she injured herself. I also saw something black poking out from further up on her ribs, and while my morals fought it, my curiosity got the better of me.

I snagged the hem of her shirt with my finger, lifting it up enough to see a black mark below the wire of her bra. It was an operator mark, with words written below it in the classic scribble fashion. 'Operator • Protector' was scrawled below the symbol, and it felt like a hundred daggers in my heart. She was calling me her protector. She must have had this tattoo planned ever since I got rid of that nasty piece of filth she called a father.

I'm so sorry, dust bunny...I shook my head, placing her shirt back down and resting a hand on her forehead. I took away her memory of the night, especially making sure to wipe the part when she called me out for what I was. A monster. I didn't blame her for saying it either, I wasn't angry anymore. I was ashamed.

When I removed my hand, I placed a kiss on her temple, or at least brushed the spot with where my lips should have been. I took the poppy from my lapel, no longer deserving of it, and placed it on her nightstand. I hope that maybe one day she could forgive me for what I have done.

I ported out of her house as quickly as I could, not knowing where I was headed. But I guess I made a miscalculation and ended up on a road, and when I looked up, I saw a car heading right towards me. They swerved, narrowly avoiding me, but instead began a roll into another car. I swore at myself as I ducked off to the side of the road. Yet another accident I've caused. I wasn't leaving until the police arrived to help with the situation.

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