Chapter seven

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•Sable's P.O.V.•

I tripped into the woods, glad for the bright daylight that was shining through the trees. Everything was lit up like it was covered in snow, in fact, a lot of things were shining. A screech tore through my throat as my head began to feel like it was being split open. I fell to the ground, squeezing my eyes shut while I clutched the sides of my head.

After a few minutes the pain passed, and I stood up again. I grabbed the camera from the ground and took off again, jumping over fallen logs and rocks until I finally found the concrete building. There was the operators mark on the wall, but beside it there was a blank space where before, there was a bloody line oozing down to the ground.

I steeled my nerves and walked inside, finding a one room building littered with paint cans and used condoms. There was no trace of any blood in here either, where I might have been expecting to see a body, or maybe...

"Here we go." I ran to the other wall, picking up a piece of paper that lay on the ground. There was another operator mark on it, but there were words as well. 'Help me' was scrawled across it.

"Slendy!" I called. I don't know why I did, but I felt the need to. "Slendy it's me, Sable!"

Nothing happened. The camera didn't glitch, no one showed up, I didn't have any headaches or nosebleeds or coughing. But I fell to the ground, feeling tears slip down my cheeks. I was sobbing and wiping at my eyes, feeling like I let him down or something.

"I'm sorry..." I managed to choke out, my crying fading away a few minutes later. With a sigh I stood up, dusting off my jeans and beginning the walk again. I didn't look back when my camera flashed.

•Slenderman's P.O.V.•

I walked through the forest, enjoying the little amount of sunshine that was left. As I understood it, things started to get chilly and grey this time of the year. There would be a human holiday coming up soon that I enjoyed, one that I remembered from centuries ago. All Hallows Eve, I think is what it was called. All the little children dressed up like monsters and creatures of the night, collecting sweets from the adults. A lot of kids thought nothing of me as I walked through the crowds, a big reason why I loved the day. And even in these last few years, I've noticed some of them dressing up like me. It was flattering.

As I approached the concrete building I'd been at a couple nights ago, I began to hear soft weeping echoing from inside. I didn't enter, but instead peered in through a window, spotting a girl in the center of the room. She was carrying a camera and wiping at her eyes. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was one of the kids that were here, the girl that I'd mistaken for Sable. I was angry, why is she back here?

"I'm sorry..." She said suddenly, looking up. Something about the muddy color of her eyes was offsetting, like they didn't match up. After a few minutes she stood up and walked out, still wiping at her eyes. I heard her camera glitch as she walked by me, feeling less angry now and more...depressed.

This girl seemed a lot smarter than the others. Maybe I'd spare her. Or maybe...I chuckled at the thought. Maybe I'll make her first.

~time skips~

•Sable's P.O.V.•

The entire time I walked through the halls I kept jumping, thinking I was seeing a familiar blank face among the crowd. But every time I'd double check it was either a real person or nothing at all.

By the time I got to lunch I was a nervous wreck, my appetite completely gone. I sat in the hall, waiting for my friends to arrive. Tim and Brian showed up first, both seemingly okay. Lenore sat beside me, looking tired and worn out. Toby didn't go to school with us sadly, he had to be home schooled due to a variety of mental conditions that kept him from being able to be in a normal, sociable environment. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not right now.

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