Chapter fourteen

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•Sable's P.O.V.•

Going to school Monday felt strange. It seemed like there was an air of loss about the place, and I found out why the moment I ran into Brian and Tim.

"Hey guys." I sighed as I approached them.

"Hey, Sable..." Tim trailed off.

"What's up? Something wrong?"

"Toby and his sister got in a wreck yesterday." Brian stated. "Lyra died and he didn't sound like he was doing too good."

"Oh no." I held my hand over my lips, feeling a gnawing pit in my stomach.

"He said that the asshole Operator was out in the middle of the god damn rode and made him crash." Brian scowled.

So...Slenderman jumped out in the middle of the road and caused him to crash. I looked at my hands, watching them shake slightly. That would have been the morning after I'd seen him, and I wouldn't expect him to be very pleased about it. I wonder if he did that on purpose?

"Oh god...oh no..." I sunk to the floor, my head in my hands. This could have been my fault. Then I remembered what Lenore said that happened that night. I looked around to see an empty spot beside me where she usually would have been. "We have some bad news about Lenore's mom, too."

"What happened?" Brian asked.

"Well, Saturday night I guess she got ported to the concrete house or something, and she found her moms corpse in the corner. I ran out there and found her and her moms body just disappeared out of nowhere."

"Damn." Tim sighed. He suddenly threw a punch towards the wall, and I listened to the sickening crack as he broke a finger. It didn't even seem to phase him.

"Holy shit, Tim?!" Brian lunged forward, grabbing his friends wrist. It was his ring finger that snapped. I realized he was in some kind of trance, but he was still reactive to what we were saying.

"I fucking hate this!" He shouted, trying to take another swing. "I haven't slept in a week! I can't get the images out of my head! HE WONT LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Tim!" I wrap my arms around his chest in an effort to calm him down. I was sobbing and I hadn't realized it. He seemed to relax when he saw me, and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Well, he snapped out of it.

"Tim, we need to get you to the clinic or something." Brian took his hand, showing him his finger. It was bent at an awkward angle, between the first and second knuckle. His face turned a bright red, and I knew he was feeling the pain.

"What the hell happened?!"

"You punched a wall." I sniffled. "Come on, I'll drive you."

I knew we were ditching school, but neither mine nor Tim's mom really cared as long as it was a once in a blue moon thing. We walked out to his car and he handed me the keys, so I hopped in and started the car. The clinic was only about half a mile down the street, and as it was a weekday, there wasn't really a wait line.

"Names?" A receptionist asked me.

"Sable Santoro and Tim Michaels."

"What are you here for today?"

"Tim snapped his finger in his locker about ten minutes ago. Some kid slammed it on him." I lied smoothly, knowing that if I said he punched a wall his insurance wouldn't cover the visit.

"Alright, just fill out this paperwork," she turned to a mini fridge, opening it and pulling out a small ice pack and a paper towel. "This is for you sir, the doctor should be with you shortly."

"Thanks." He nodded, snagging the bag while I took the clipboard. We sat on the opposite side of the room. And while I filled out the paperwork for him, I noticed him staring out the large windows beside us. I glanced up as well, curious to see what he was looking at.

My heart stuttered when I saw the Slenderman standing on the other side of the road. He was just staring at us, his arms at his sides and his head hung low. He almost looked defeated, like he was sorry for what had happened. Maybe I did get through to him...

After I returned the paperwork, the doctor came out in five minutes time and invited us to follow. He did a quick examination of the finger, and they did X-rays to show that it was a clean snap. He gave Tim painkillers and a brace, and for the hell of it began poking me furiously. At least he was back to his normal mood.

"Alright, well you two be on your way, and give that kid a good whack when you get back to school." The doctor chuckled. I smiled slightly, and I knew Tim felt a bit more at ease as well.

"I sure as hell will."

When we got back to the car I turned on the ignition, but I didn't pull out yet. "So, where are we going?"

"Um. Back to school?"

"Do you really want to go back? I mean, it's almost one thirty."

"Good point." He chuckled. "Can we just chill at your house or something?"

"Sounds fine to me."

I began to drive opposite the way of the school, finding myself on a familiar road that led to my home. I could see the trees around me as I drove, all seemingly wanting to cave in over us and trap the car from moving any further. I pulled into the driveway and hopped out to find a light downpour, which made me giggle as Tim and I ran into the house. I shook my hair out like a dog, which made him laugh just as much.

"Mom!" I called, waiting for an answer. "Mom, you home?!"

No response. I made Tim sit on the couch as I went from room to room, scouring the house for any abnormal signs. When I got to my room I peered out the window, duh. Moms car wasn't even in the driveway. A flash of orange caught my eyes when I looked away, and I saw the poppy sitting on my desk. I'd placed it in a small vase, even though I'm sure it didn't need one. I didn't want to get rid of it for some reason.

Just as I was about to walk back out and get Tim, the door to my room opened. He walked in, a playful smile on his lips. I took a deep breath, as he'd just about scared me half to death.

"Tim, you-" I was cut off as he suddenly lunged towards me, his hand pressing into my spine while the other tangled in my hair. His lips bore down on mine, gentle yet forceful at the same time. He tasted like cinnamon and pills, but that was a minor note that flashed through my mind for a second. He was kissing me, and I had no clue how to react except kiss back.

I guess it wasn't really a secret I liked Tim. He was my only friend when everyone else called me crazy. He supported me and introduced me to everyone else, which made me care for him on such a level that it grew into adoration. But I had absolutely no clue anything like this would happen.

As he pulled away, my eyelids fluttered open wide, and I couldn't do anything but stare. He seemed sort of giggly, as he was grinning like an idiot.

"I've uh, been wanting to do that for a while." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him. I felt dizzy, my head was buzzing. There was a grin across my lips that faded the second I blacked out and collapsed in his arms.

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