Chapter twelve

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•Toby's P.O.V.•

I was singing along to the music on the radio, patting the steering wheel to the beat. Lyra was letting me drive, and I looked over to see her tapping away at something on her phone.

"Whatcha playing there?" I asked, returning my eyes to the road.

"Slender. It's a crappy little horror game." She giggled, but I felt the smile on my face turn into a flat line. It still baffles me how these people thought Slenderman was a good idea for a video game. But, whatever made money, I suppose.

"Sounds fun." I lied, keeping my eyes ahead of me. We were on our way out to a shopping mall, it may have been more for Lyra than for me, but she knew that I couldn't stand being in that house longer than I needed to be. I felt my wrists crack, and just let out a low mumble.

"Hey, you've got some weird dye or something on your lips."

I looked in the rear view mirror, a small blush climbing into my cheeks when I realized that some of Sable's lipstick remained. I hadn't gotten it all off last night apparently. I tried wiping it off on my shoulder while I drove, making her laugh.

"It's uh, it's not dye."

"Then what is it?"


"What, were you cross dressing last night or something?" She snorted as I blushed further. A devilish grin cracked her lips as she stared at me. "Or did you finally get a smooch from some lucky lady?"

"Well, you know how much I absolutely love option A, but we'll have to go with option B today sis."

"Ooooh. Who was the lucky lady?"

"She's a friend of mine, I don't think she really meant it." I shrugged, pushing the fact to the back of my mind. "She was kind of fucked up last night, I had to drive her home."

"Whoa, where'd you hear that kind of language?"


"Yeah, right." Lyra beamed. "I'm a perfect role model."

I smiled slyly, my gaze slipping off the road for a second before flicking back. In that split second, something had managed to climb out onto the open road ahead of us. And it was wearing a business suit.

"FUCK!" I smashed the brakes, swerving to abound him. I don't know what would have happened if I had hit him, but I know it would have been far from death. Well, for him.

I had hoped we'd harmlessly swerve around him, but instead my stomach hit the floor when we began to tip over and roll. Glass sliced through my skin, bits and pieces getting caught in my hair. I felt something press into my leg, a huge pressure. As soon as we stopped flipping over repeatedly, I found myself on the verge of blacking out. The last thing I saw was my sisters bloody face before I lost consciousness.

I'm sorry Lyra. This is his fault.

•Sable's P.O.V.•

The sun was pouring through the window when I finally opened my eyes. There was a faint pounding behind them, but not like I'd had before. I felt pressure around my waist and looked down to see Lenore with her arms wrapped around me. Wait, how did Lenore get here...?

"Lenny." I shook her until she woke up, blinking at me with tired, bloodshot eyes.

"H-Hey, Sable."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Do you not...?" Her eyes widened for a second. "You lost time."

"No, no you can't be serious." I groaned, laying my head back down on the pillow. "What happened last night? All I remember is Toby taking me home and then trying to put off sleep. I don't...I don't even remember how I got into town. I just remember Toby driving me home."

"I was out with Brian after you two left, looking for Tim. Slender had him in his grip and I ran at him, but I got ported out to that concrete building in the woods. I thought I was alone, but..." She trailed off, her eyes seemingly distant. "My mom was there. She was dead. I screamed and began crying, and then you showed up, and then he showed up, and we left after you said some pretty nasty shit. I don't remember getting back here though."

"What did I say to him?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her.

"Something along the lines of 'I should never have given you that poppy' or something." She looked around my room, her eyes suddenly landing on my nightstand. I turned and looked, spotting the little orange flower sitting atop my notebook. I would have recognized it anywhere, as not even the flowers in my mothers garden seemed to glow as brightly as this one did. Which meant...

"He must have been here last night. That's probably why I don't remember anything. He wiped it." I sighed. "Lenore, was I wearing contacts?"

"I don't think so."

"Shit. He probably recognized me."

"That could be a good thing." She shrugged. Lenore's whole demeanor seemed to have changed in a single night, her usual chipper and upbeat mood now dark and numb. I held her tighter.

"Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Who knows." I sighed, releasing my grip. "Are you okay?"

"My mothers dead. But surprisingly, I already knew. Well, had a feeling more like. It's not surprising, but it still hurt."

I shook my head, standing up and helping her out of bed. Mom already left for church probably, so it was just the two of us. I brought her out into the kitchen, getting milk and cereal for the both of us. While she ate, I looked in the mirror and began peeling the stitches from my skin. Once I finished she stood up and took my place, beginning to do the same while I began to eat.

"So what are we going to do now?" She asked finally.

"Try to keep going as normal as possible. Lay low. We can't tell anyone anything about what's going on." I remembered the poppy in my room. "Maybe he'll leave us alone from now on."

"Or maybe it'll get worse." She shrugged. "Who knows."

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