"Fine. Is this all we were gonna talk about? Can we leave now?" He asks. They both nod.

We get up and I mutter a quiet 'Bye' and give a small wave before walking out and closing the door behind us. "Oh god that was...Wow." I breathe. Dean only grunts before speed walking around the corner.

"Dean?" I ask,Speed walking to catch up to him. "Dean wait-"

"Can you just back off?" He hisses,Stopping in his tracks.


"No just...Just save it. Look why don't you go talk to one of your friends or something?" He asks.

"Why are you being like this?" I ask. "Did I say something you didn't like?"

"No I just think it's unfair that while I'm getting suspended from my job for thirty days,You get to stay and work even though you were just as involved in this incident as I was." He sighs. "If I hadn't gone out with you I would've never gotten into this predicament..."

"Excuse me?" I huff,Crossing my arms over my chest. I lower my voice and look around,Noticing people were walking along the hall. "Look,I'm sorry that you got suspended,Dean. I really am. I wish you hadn't gotten suspended because I know how much you love your job. But you're not going to blame me for this. I didn't ask you to get into a fight-"

"I was teaching some jack ass a lesson about flirting with a taken woman,Fucking forgive me." He rolls his eyes. "You know,I didn't have any of these problems before I started dating you." He shakes his head.

"Are you serious?! From what Stephanie said in there it sounds like you did! You know,I'm getting so,So sick of you blaming me for everything. Take some responsibility."

"...Fuck you." He spats.


"No,fuck you! I'm so,So sick of you ruining everything and I'm tired of you just...Being you! I'm tired of being around you and I'm tired of this. I'm tired of being in this fucking relationship so you know what,How about this,We're done!" He yells.

"Just yesterday you were telling me you wanted to stay in this relationship and keep it going-"

"Clearly I didn't know what the hell I was talking about." He shakes his head. "You know what, I know that we have to ride together but other then that,Let's just...Let's stay away from each other. I can't do this." He mumbles.

I stare at him for a second,Biting the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah okay,Dean. I'm tired of this as well." I nod. "But how about this. How about you buy your own rental car,And you can drive alone. I'll give you the money for it if I have to,Because sitting in a car with you is not on my to do list when you insist on acting like a humongous,Indecisive jackass." I yell.

Without a second thought,I storm away from him quickly,Tears streaming down my face as soon as I turn away. I honestly don't know what the heck to think now. I don't know if we actually just broke up or if this is just another one of Dean's temper tantrums.

And that leads me to the question of why I'm even dealing with this. To be honest,I'm not in the right kind of mindset to be dealing with a bad relationship. The last one I was in took all of the energy I had for this kind of thing and I just don't think I can do it.

And Dean would never hit me,I'm sure of that so I guess this is a little better then my last relationship but honestly Dean's so temperamental and I just...It all comes down to me plain and flat out not having the energy it takes for this.

Should I even be in a relationship? With Dean or anyone else for that matter?

I can honest to god say I really don't believe so.

You get too close (Dean)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang