The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 17

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 17

Without the aid of Whitney, I found the lunch hall easily. My hair was still wet from taking a bath this morning, so it clung to the sides of my neck. I had dressed in a blue T and a pair of dark blue shorts. On my feet were sandles.

Nobody paid attention to me this time when I got in line to get a tray. Because of the raid, the kitchen was now well-stocked on items. We were able to afford gorging ourselves on the first meal. That was the reason why plates of sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, and waffles sat out on the serving table. Various drinks like milk, orange juice, and coffee were available. The kitchen aids informing people to consume the spoilable items first. 

When my tray was full, I got out of line and stood around looking for a table. Three over, Tomas was waving his hand in the air towards me. I walked his way and took a seat at the end beside him.

"So, are you going on today's raid?" he asked friendly.

"Another?" I blinked. "Don't we have enough groceries for now?"

"Yeah," Tomas muttered. "For now. Stuff runs out fast in our little community, so we have to constantly go on raids to replace it.

"Oh...." I mumbled to myself.

At the other end of the table, I noticed Taylor staring at me with concern. I looked away from him and began eating the things on my plate. However, I could feel his eyes on me. A moment later, he looked away and returned to eating his food.

I finished eating my pancakes, bacon, and drinking my orange juice quickly. If I was going to go on another raid, I was going to check with Doc for medicine he needed. That way, I could pick them while I was at the Store. I dropped off my plate at the wash bin and exited the dinning hall. Back in the main cavern, I made a U turn into the tunnel that led to the clinic.

"May?" a voice called out.

I stopped and turned around in the middle of the path. Taylor was standing at the entrance to the tunnel. When he saw that I wasn't going to cross the distance back to him, he took it upon himself to meet me halfway.

"Are you really going on the second raid?" He asked, halting three feet from me.

I really didn't know how to answer. "I guess so." I shrugged.

"You shouldn't." Taylor answered quickly, making me even more confused. "There's risks that go with going on them. Did you ever hear about Whitney's first human body?" he pressed.

"No." I replied, but I was very interested in the subject. I wanted him to go on.

Taylor looked like he was about to, but he closed his mouth. He spoke when he had something else to say.

"Nevermind." he shook his head. "All you need to know is that bad things happen to Souls who go out on too many raids."

How did I reply to that? It wasn't like I could force him to tell me the answers I sought. I remained silent and stood around nervously, wondering when he would let me go.

"That..." Taylor muttered akwardly. "That wasn't what I came to tell you though." he apologized in a strange way. "What I wanted to say was....thank you."

"For what?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"My brother Miles. You got the behind the counter medicine he needed to be cured." Taylor admitted, scatching the back of his head nervously.

I hadn't realized the boy on the cot was related to the one standing in front of me. Sure, there was some family resemblence. They both had the same blonde hair and brown eyes, but I hadn't guessed at all that they were brothers.

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