Chapter 46: Hold Each Other

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                             just in case the video can't play

Lauren's POV
"B-but why would she do this!? We've been so happy! With everything! With tour, Riley, the accidents! Everything!" I cry into Dinah's arm. She comforts me by stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head.

"I know Lauren. But she's doing in for the best." She says and I nodd in agreement, or in this case acceptance.

"Dee, I kinda just wanna be alone for now." I say and the younger girl nods and hops out of the bunk. I continue to cry and decide to try and get my mind off of her so I scroll through my twitter timeline. As I scroll I see Ally tweeted something.

I'm fine...😌😔

I decided to reply and just make her feel better... Not as a joke, just to tell her how I felt.


I wrote. Later I got a 'favorite' from her and I slightly smiled.

"Momma?" Riley asked before pushing the bunk curtain back.

"Yeah míja?" I asked. She smiled and climbed in and giggled.

"Do you wanna go out with me and Tía Demi?" She asked and I jumped up.

"How do you know Demi is coming?" I asked.

"Tía Mani told me." She said and I nodded. I soon got out of bed and changed into a black crop top and black shorts. I also put a green shall on with my white converse. As we began walking out grabbed Mani's hand and smiled at her, grabbing Riley's hand also.

"Where are you going?" Ally asked, seeing how I was leaving with her daughter.

"We're gonna see Tía Demz!" Riley yelled and I smiled at Ally.

"O-Okay. Be safe." Ally said and Normani nodded. We made our way to the car we rented and I sat in the passenger seat while Normani buckled Riley in the back.

"What do you wanna listen to?" I asked Riley.

"Selena Gomez!" She screeched and I turned on Same Old Love. As she started to sing along I started videoing and posted it to Instagram,

@selenagomez 's biggest fan! 🙊

I soon got a lot of likes and comments and saw Selena Gomez actually liked the photo!

"Baby, look who saw the video!" I said and Riley gasped and started dancing and singing some more. We soon got to the restaurant we said we'd meet Demi at and we got a table for four.

"Lauren! Mani!" I heard a familiar voice say, and we turned around and saw Demi run towards us.

"Hi!" I yelled and hugged one of my best friends.

"Hey! How y'all doin'!? Hi Riley!" She said and hugged the other two.

"Good! How are you!?" I replied.

"Amazing! I'm so glad we got to meet!" She told us and I nodded in agreement, as we all sat down.

"So how's everybody!? How's DJ, how's Mila, Ally!?" She asked and I looked down. Mani grabbed my hand and I looked back up.

"Riles, why don't you ask the waitress for some crayons?" I asked her and she went and got some.

"We're taking a, a break..." I responded and Demi covered her mouth.

"Oh Lo... I'm so sorry." She said and I shook my head.

"Do you know why?" She whispered, now that Riley was back.

"Simon doesn't want us together. I fought for us, and I guess she just didn't want to fight anymore." I whispered back and she reached her hand over the table and held mine.

"Lauren, I really am truly sorry. And-" she was about to continue but the waitress came. We all ordered and went back to our conversation.

"As I was saying, I'm really sorry. And if you truly love her, fight for her. Don't let her use the last straw. Especially when you're forced to break up. Fight for love." She said and I smile a bit, knowing I love her with all my heart.

"I know. We've just been fighting and going through so many rough patches, maybe it's for the best." I said and rubbed Riley's hand and blew a kiss at her.

"But that's what makes it worth fighting for." Demi responds and I look over at Normani.

"She's right Laur." Normani tells me and I smile. As we finish up our food we slowly begin saying goodbye.

"Bye Laur. Fight for your girl." She says, whispering the last part. I smiled and kissed her cheek and we soon drove back. I unbuckled Riley and walked back in with her in my arms. I sit her down next to Camila and I grab Ally's hand, walking her to the bus' "living room".

"Lauren! I'm trying to stay away from you!" She tells me, biting her lip after saying that.

"I know Ally! But we've been through so much together! We deserve to keep fighting! Fifth Harmony is back, and Troy is out of the picture! We can be a family! With Riley, you, me! Ally I love you, we've been through too much to just give up on us. I don't care what Simon thinks, what people think! I care what you think!" I say and there's a small silence before Ally speaks again.

"I think I love you." She says and I pull her into a hug. I kiss her plump lips until we need air. I started to tear up but soon stop, knowing she'd get worried.

"I love you so so so so so much. I'm sorry Laur." She says and I just hug her tighter.

"It's okay. It's okay." I tell her and kiss her forehead.

"I love you." She said and I place my forehead on hers.

"I love you." I say back and I hug her once more. We go back out, holding hands for what seems like the five millionth time we've done this.

"Yaaaaayyyy!" Dinah screams and I laughed and sat down. Riley climbed onto our laps and soon fell asleep.

"See the video of Riley?" I whisper to Ally and she nods happily.

"It was so cute! She does love Selena Gomez." Ally responds and I pecked her lips. We soon drift off to sleep, holding each other...

Just a little bump in the road to get closer to chapter fifty...haha I'm evil! But I flove you all! Yay Alren! 💖 k bye! Night!

My Dark Secret (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora