Chapter 30: Explanation & Awnsers

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(Look at my baby^^^😂😂😂when Lauren is wearing a crop top^^^😂😂)
Lauren's POV
My ray of sunshine. The love of my life. Hurt. Broken inside, and I can't do anything about it. She can't either. A baby.. Baby.

"How are you so calm about this?" I asked, everything running through my head quickly.

"Honestly, I can't remember anything except it hurting after. And being depressed the whole time." Ally responded looking down at her fingers.

"We have to find out who did it." Camila said wiping away the tears on her face.

"Who would-who would do this?" I asked and began crying into my hands.

"Baby, I'm okay. I'm not hurt. Nothing serious." Ally said comforting me.

"It was Troy huh!? It's always the quiet ones!" Dinah said and ran out the door.

"I got her!" Camila yelled and came back with an annoyed Dinah.

"Calm down babe." Camila said helping her girlfriend sit down.

"I-I have no idea who would do this though. Honestly." Ally said sitting up.

"Babe, be careful! I don't want you getting hurt more. And the....the baby." I said, not liking the sound of that.

"I wanna keep it." Ally said out of nowhere and closing her eyes quick.

"A-Are you sure, you don't even know who the father is." Normani said looking around.

"I-I am. I figured once the baby is born, and old enough I could get a paternity test. And Lauren, I would want you to be the mother. Well, other mother." She said looking down after giggling.

"I would be honored, but it'll mess up our tour." I said putting a hand on her knee.

"Well, I was thinking.... I don't know actually." She said.

"We can talk to Simon tomorrow, babe. Don't worry." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I should get to sleep." She said and we all said our goodnights.

Camila's POV
After we all walked out of Ally's room I started walking towards Lauren to see if she was okay with everything.

"Hey, are you-" I was shortly caught off when Lauren hugged me tight and started crying.

"Oh, Laur." I said and hugged her back.

"I don't want Ally hurt anymore. I can't lose her." Lauren said looking at me in the eyes.

"I know, and you won't." I said and she cried some more into my shoulder.

"Imma get to bed." She said wiping her tears away.

"Same, night LoLo." I said and we walked our seperate ways.


I woke up to the sound of rumbling bed sheets next to me. I looked over to my right, then left and saw nothing. I then looked up and saw Austin on top of me.

"AUSTIN!?" I yelled and kicked him off of me. I turned on the light and ran out of bed.

"DINAH! LAUREN!" I yelled and backed up towards the wall.

"What's going- AUSTIN!?" Lauren yelled backing up with Riley in her arms.

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER!" Dinah yelled and pushed him towards the wall, which turned me on alittle.

"Mila!?" Normani asked and ran towards me while Ally stumbled in.

"What are you doing here!?" Dinah asked pressing him to the wall.

"I said that 'this' wasn't over!" He said eyeing Ally and it all hit me. Austin raped Ally.

Ally's POV
Austin raped me.

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I yelled wobbling towards him.

"You sick, sick bastard!" I yelled wanting to throw up.

"I also rammed into your car! It was all me!" He yelled trying to get out of Dinah's grasp.

"I'm calling 911!" Normani yelled and ran downstairs taking Riley with so she wouldn't be confused and scared.

"I'm pregnant you ass hole! W-with your baby." I said and I almost threw up. This is Austin's kid.

"You're mental!" Camila yelled putting a hand over her mouth after.

"No. I wanted revenge. And that's what I got. I would've gotten all of you though!" He said struggling. Normani came back upstairs with the police and they took Austin downstairs. I sat down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking of Riley, Lauren, the girls. And made my decision,

"I want an abortion."

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