Chapter 22: Tour Cancelation, Ally, & Riley's Guardian

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Lauren's POV
I rushed to the hospital with the girls. When I got there the EMT's were rushing Ally out of the ambulance into the actual hospital and I almost threw up.

"Ally." I whispered seeing my broken girlfriend on a guerney. I later saw Troy run in with Riley in his arms, both of them crying. I ran in with Dinah, Camila, and Normani trying to slow me down but I kept running after her. I eventually caught up and took a long look at her. She had a cut on her throat, and her hip had a big shard of glass in it.

"Is she okay? Will she make it!?" I asked beginning to cry.

"We'll do everything we can miss." The doctor said and rushed her into the operation room. I sat down and began to cry into Camila's shoulder while she brushed my hair. I saw Troy place Riley down and she rushed over to me.

"Momma!" She yelled while crying into my shoulder.

"I know baby girl I-I know." I said while crying too. We hugged each other and then I saw Troy in the corner of my eye get nervous and I know why.

"Baby, go with Camila to the cafeteria." I said and Camila rushed down the hallway, knowing what I'll do. Once they were gone I rushed up and pinned Troy to the wall.

"This is your fault!" I yelled. "She was furious because of you! You shoulda just let her take Riley this never would've- would've happened." I said and fell to the floor crying. Normani ran to me and helped me get into a chair.

"Get out. Now." Dinah said and he speed walked out of the hallway. I then sniffled my last tears and sent out a text to our family and friends.

To: Demi, Simon, P. Hernandez, J. Hernandez, B. Hernandez, Mom, Dad.
Ally was in a car accident this morning and was rushed into the hospital. She's in a coma now but they're doing everything they can. I'm sure they contacted her parents, but we'll keep you updated just in case. Pray for her.

I hit send and about an hour later Demi and Simon showed up and all of our parents too. Brandon showed up later. Camila came back with Riley and I held her in my arms for a while until Ally's parents pulled me aside.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Mr. Hernandez asked.

"More then anything in this world." I said beginning to cry at the thought of never seeing my sunshine again.

"And you love Riley? Like your own?" Mrs. Hernandez asked.

"Ofcourse." I said acting like it was a no brainer.

"We want you to be her legal guardian if this. If nothing works." She continued crying.

"But Troy's the father." I said.

"He was never there. You probably know more about her then he does." Mr. Hernandez said making fun of Troy.

"I'd be honored to. Want me to tell Troy?" I asked. They nodded and I walked down the hall and found him.

"Okay imma make this short and sweet. Ally's parents want me to be Riley's legal guardian and I accepted. If Ally doesn't make it, Riley's mine. Sorry." I said and walked down the hallway before he could speak. He ran after me and I stopped him.

"Don't make this harder on-" I started.

"No! You're making this harder! Lauren I know you love Ally but you've taken this too far! I'm calling my lawyer!" He said and ran off with his phone. I sat down and cried because of the stress and just waited. I later got back and Ally was still asleep in her coma. I was still depressed but glad I would have Riley with me no matter what.


"Lauren, the tour is in 6 days." Simon started out of nowhere, "We're canceling the first show. She's been in a coma for 6 days, I'm sorry but we have to. If she doesn't wake up soon we're gonna cancel the whole tour. Half of it will only be with you four if she does wakes. I'm sorry." He said and I was so dissapointed.

"But she's still breathing! She's not dead!" I said frustrated and everybody looked up at us. Embaressed, I mouthed 'sorry' and he nodded.

"I know Lauren, but she doesn't look good." He said and I started crying coming to a realization that I might lose her.

"I-I'll tell the fans." I said. Everything was going so fast. I'm stressed! I have a daughter now, my girlfriend is in a coma, I have to deal with Troy! This can't be any-

And then I heard the most amazing voice,


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