Chapter 1: My New Life

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>>5 years and 9 months later<<
Ally's POV
I woke up in the morning to the sound of my little girl on top of me. She giggled at me as I made a funny face at her.
"What's up little one?" I asked tickling her stomach.
"Mama! Stop that tickles!" She yelled as I kept tickling. I finished and laughed with her.
"Mama, it's a very special day." Riley said seriously.
"Oh it is? What's today Riles?" I asked matter of factly. She giggle and stood on the bed.
"It's my birthday!" She yelled and plopped on the bed next to me.
"It is!? I didn't even know!" I said and I hugged her little 5 year old body.
"Happy birthday baby girl!" I said holding her.

My parents came over with my brother later on. We all hung out and had a little celebration for Riley. I got messages from all the girls wishing my daughter a happy birthday. They knew it was today because they were with me the day she was born.

"Ally we're right here, we've got you girly!" Camila said holding my hand as I cried and screamed. I didn't realize it was going to hurt this much! I pushed and pushed and finally, the doctor said one more. As I did one last push I heard the little cry of a baby.
"There is a slight problem with the baby, we'll take her back soon." The doctor told me as they took her out.
"Wha-what!? No! Lauren, Normani, someone! Go to that baby and never take your eyes off of it!" I yelled making someone watch my baby. Normani ran out following the cart the baby was going in and I instantly knew I love that little miracle.
She had bad blood circulation because of Troy and I's different blood type. Troy didn't really want anything to do with her, but he still visits from time to time. She came back very healthy and I named her Riley Faith Hernandez. I had faith that she would be ok, and my hope and faith worked, so that's her middle name.
I later got a call from someone with no caller ID.
A: Hello?
?: Allyson?
A: Yes, may I ask who's speaking?
S: It's Simon!
A: Simon!? Sorry I didn't even recognize your voice!
S: That's fine Ally, anyway I want you to come to the studio in LA tomorrow afternoon, it's important!
A: Tomorrow? Umm I'll see what I can do.
S: Okay! Hopefully see you then!

Simon hung up and I put my phone in my pocket. I totally forgot, the girls and I never really told Simon why we broke up. He'll find out tomorrow!

"Who was that mommy?" Riley asked me.

"Oh a friend. What do you think about going to LA tomorrow!?"

"Sounds like fun!" She replied

"Great, let's go pack birthday girl!" I said and I took her to her room.

We've lived in San Antonio ever since I got pregnant, and when the girls and I broke up. I lived with my folks for a while, but got my own place and a job when Riley turned 1. After that I was no longer Allyson Brooke Hernandez from Fifth Harmony. I was Allyson Brooke Hernandez, single mom. That was the first part of my life that changed.

On the flight from Texas to LA Riley slept the whole way there, which I was happy about so she would be wide awake to meet Simon. We got off the plane with bags in my left hand and Riley in the other. I saw a man standing with a sign that says, "Allyson Brooke" and I walked over to it. I got in the limo and anticipated for what's to come when I meet Simon at the studio. Shortly after we drive Riley woke up,
"Where are we Mama?" She whispered to me.
"We're in LA in a limo!" I said with wide eyes. She smiled and jumped a bit on my lap. We finally got to studio and I walked in with Riley tugging on my pants right behind me. I saw all four girls on the couch in Simon's office and they all looked straight up at me.
"ALLY!" They all screamed and ran over and hugged me, almost falling on Riley.
"Oh my God it's been so long, we've missed you!" Camila yelled hugging me.
"Yah dawg where ya been!?" Dinah said slapping my shoulder making us all laugh. I slowly backed away and pulled Riley up a bit.
"Girls, as much as I missed you, and believe me I have, I need to introduce you to someone." I said pushing Riley up a bit.
"Is that?" Lauren asked pointing at my shocked child.
"Yup! Guys, this is Riley." I said and they all 'awwwed' and hugged her. Shortly after we all caught up Simon walked in with Demi right next to him.
"Girls." Simon said subtlely.

"SIMON!" We all screamed and ran up to hug him. We all laughed almost knocking him over.

"DEMS!" We yelled and hugged her too. I noticed all the girls motioning for me to go over to Riley and introduce her. I gasped an 'ooh' and went over to her.
"More people?" She asked and I giggled at her response.
"Yes more people, but they'll love you, I promise." I said and kissed her forehead. I held her hand and walked her towards Demi and Simon.
"Guys, this is Riley, my daughter." I said and rubbed her back. She said 'hi' and looked down. She was very shy since she hasn't met these people before.
"Oh Ally!" Demi said and hugged me.
"She looks like a mini you!" Demi said jumping up and down.
"Is this why you broke up?" Simon asked looking at me and the girls. We all bowed our heads down and Normani responded.
"Well, that's fine. Nice to meet you Riley! Now! Buisness time, take a seat girls." He said and motioned to the chairs. I sat with Riley on my lap in the middle of Lauren and Dinah and Camila was next to Dinah and so was Normani.

"We want you to go on tour with Demi!" Simon put right out there.

"Now I know you haven't made music in a while, but I bet the fans will be very happy for you to make a comeback!" Simon persuaded.

"I don't know Simon, Ally has a kid and that's a big responsibility to take on tour and people might not like the idea." Normani said.
I looked down at Riley who was slowly falling asleep in the crook of my neck. I looked up at Simon and Demi and began,

"We should do it." I said and Simon smiled and Demi jumped up in excitement.

"You sure Als?" Lauren asked.

"Positive!" I said smiling and kissed the top of Riley's sleeping head.

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