Long Epilogue : Part 8

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Shanaya's POV :

9 months pregnant Shanaya:

'Princess, I'm home!' My husband said. He was finally back from his football practice. I smiled but decided to continue to do my cleaning.

He entered the room and looked around, obviously spotting me.

'Shanaya, get down! Are you mad, climbing up there whilst your 9 months pregnant? Do you want to hurt yourself and the baby?' He shouted. I flinched and he helped me down.

I was cleaning the bookshelf in our baby's bedroom. We didn't know our baby's gender, we wanted it to be a surprise. So we painted it's room a turquoise and dark grey. I don't know why but I had a feeling we were going to have a boy.

'You okay?' He asked once my feet were planted firmly on the ground.

'Yeah but I was completely fine up there. All I was doing was cleaning the dust. Nothing wrong in that.' I justified muself.

He sighed, 'We have a maid for that. And I'll make myself clear, once more. You are not doing any type of cleaning or someing that is completely not on your list of doing things, until our baby is born. Have I made myself clear?' He asked.

'Yes, you have.' I sighed.

'Good, now go rest. I'm gonna go have a shower.' He said. I sighed again.

He was being so bossy these days. But I guess it was to keep me from doing something stupid.

I had only just sat down when I felt a huge pain go rip through my lower region. I cried out loud. The bed covers below me became wet, growing darker in in colour as they got soaked.

I screamed again as the pain surged through me once more.

'Brooklyn! Help!' I screamed. He was still in the shower. My maid came in, hearing the screaming.

'Mrs Beckham, are you alright?' Alina said. She was our butler's wife.

'No! Please help! Please call Brooklyn. I think my water broke!' I cried out in pain. She paled before she nodded and walked over to our ensuite. She knocked on the door and shouted through it. Within an instance, Brooklyn was out, still wet from the shower. I was have stared at his shirtless body if I wasn't in so much pain.

'Holy mother of Jesus! Alina, call the ambulance!' He cried out loud, addressing our maid. She nodded and scurried off, calling for the ambulance. He bent down next to me, pulling me close to him.

Within a few minutes, the paramedics were here, taking me off in the ambulance. I was dying with pain, smothered in sweat and wet in between my legs. Brooklyn was sat next to me, holding my sweaty hand and trying to calm me down.

I was going to have my baby. My child.

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Brooklyn's POV :

'Brooklyn! Help!' I thought I heard. I listened out again but didn't hear anything, until there was a knock at the bathroom door.

'Sir, your wife's water just broke!' Alina's familiar voice yelled through the door. I froze, coming to terms with the sentence she just spoke. I then realised what she meant and jumped out of the shower, leaving it running. I grabbed my towel and covered myself, knowing our maid was outside. I hadn't even dried myself and I just ran out of the bathroom.

My wife was lying there, surrounded by a pool of wetness, on our bed. Her face was scrunched up with pain, her hands collapsed around her stomach.

I told Alina to call the ambulance. They were there within minutes of the call. They took my labouring wife into the vehicle and drove off with me by her side. She was in so much pain that all I wanted to do was take it away from her. But I couldn't. My comforting words didn't help so I gave up. All I did was hold her hand, hoping it would give her some strength.

__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After what felt like centuries, the doctors came out to give the news.

'Congratulations Mr Beckham, you are the father of a healthy baby boy.' He said, smiling. I blew out a sigh as, my parents and siblings hugged me. The whole family was here for us, supporting us and giving us strength. I ran past the doctor and into the hospital room.

My wife sat there, exhaustion showing signs all over her body. But her face showed her happiness. She held our child with such contentment on her face. It glowed with her excitement.

I walked up to her, admiring her beauty. How could someone be so beautiful?

'Princess.' I said. She looked up from our child and gave me a million dollar smile. I smiled back before looking down at the child in her arms.

He was so small, sleeping silently in his mother's arms. He had light creamy skin like his mother's. His hair was a mixture of both his parents: the mild chocolate brown colour from me and the curlieness from his mother. He looked so cute, and so small.

'Wanna hold him?' She asked softly. I nodded, wanting to hold my child in my arms. She gently placed him in my arms. He opened his eyes. His irises were chocolaty brown, just like mine but with a few black spots in them from his mother. They complimented his face and looks so well.

'Hey there little one. I'm your daddy. And you are my lil' Oreo.' I cooed at him. He smiled, shining his teethless mouth at me.

I looked up at my wife to see her looking proudly towards us, tears flowing down her face.

'Princess what's wrong?' I asked.

'Nothing, just the scene is too cute not to cry at. They're happy tears Brooklyn!' She smiled at me. I smiled before giving her our child and wiping her tears off her face. I kissed her forehead before hugging her.


I turned my head to find our whole family smiling like idiots at us. My mother and my mother-in-law were crying softly. My brothers were taking pictures of us, smiling like idiots.

'Awww, look at them! Such a cute family!' Simran said, holding Rohan. I smiles cheesily at her.

'Finally, I'm a grandma! The day has finally come!' My mum shouted out. I smiled again at her.

'What you naming him?' My dad asked.

'Ceyone.' Shanaya said. I looked at her, loving the name. (N/A: it's pronounced see-own I think. If not, then that's the way I want it to be pronounced.)

'What does that mean?' My mum asked.

'Rising sun.' She said proudly.

'Yes. His name will be Ceyone Alexander Beckham.' I said proudly. Everyone congratulated us, saying their love for the name and the child.

We were then left to our child, enjoying looking at his delicate face and chatting quietly.

On the 24th of July, I became a father of one and possibly many more in the future.

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