Long Epilogue: Part 2

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Shanaya's prom dress and Brooklyn's prom suit.

Shanaya's POV :

Okay child, breath. Remember to respirate otherwise you won't be able to see them.

I took a deep breath and breathed out of my nose. Today was the day I was going to be handed the letter. The letter that held my present and future.

My A-level exam results.

I was handed the letter by the teacher. With shaking hands, I took the letter off of her and put it on my lap, staring down at the stupid thing.

'Remember baby, a few letters cannot change who you are.' Brooklyn s0whispered in my ear. I nodded mutely and gave him a small smile.

I picked up the letter and turned it round, opening the seal and pulling out the A4 piece of paper. I unfolded it and closed my eyes. I breathed in and out again, my heart in my throat as I opened my eyes again, searching for my results:

Dance- A*
Art- A*
Textiles- A*

Holy mother of Jesus, I passed! I got fucking A* on everything!

The letter dropped out of my hands and fell to the floor, my jaw joining the paper on the floor.

'Babe, what's wrong? What were your results? Shanaya, babe, please talk.' Brooklyn said, putting his hands on my shoulder, concern and worry written all over his face. I pointed at the paper on the floor. He hesitantly picked it up and his eyes scanned over it.

His face broke out into a gorgeous smile, warming me up from my shock. I smiled and the feeling of happiness filled me.

'Can you read that Brooklyn? I fucking passed. And that too with A*s. Holy mother of Jesus, I fucking passed!' I said, jumping about and doing my happy dance. Brooklyn chuckled and picked up his letter.

He breathed out, 'Okay, time for mine.' He wripped open his and unfolded the paper. His eyes once again scanned over it and his face broke into a wide smile.

I stared down at his paper:

Photography- A*
Art- A*
Football- A*

He passed. My smile grew so bug that I was afraid it was too big for my face. I kissed his cheek and whispered a congratulations to him. He did the same.

'Now this deserves a gift doesn't it?' He said.

'What type of-' my sentence was cut off with Brooklyn's lips crashing against mine. I smiled and kissed him back after my moment of shock.

We passed baby!

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Okay, here it goes.

I adjusted my dress as Brooklyn knocked on the door. My dad went to open the door, welcoming him in. I was standing in the living room, fiddling with my fingers nervously, biting my lips.

Today was the day. Prom. I was really nervous. This was my first prom. I never went to the prom in year 11, I was too busy fixing myself up to worry about dressing up for a dance at that time.

I stood there in a gorgeous designer dress by an Indian designer. It was simple yet unique and beautiful. It was a soft cream and beige colour with simple embroidery. The skirt ended mid thigh but was covered my netting, reaching down to the floor. The dress made my breasts push up, showing A LOT of cleavage. My feet were in matching peep toe heels. My make up was natural, just a layer of bright red lipstick on my lips. My hair was down and reached my butt in its heavy curls.

Brooklyn walked in in all his glory. He stood there in a black suit that hugged his biceps and a plain bright red tie, matching my lipstick. He looked so good with his hair gelled up and swiped to the side. His hands were in him pocket as his eyes wandered up and down me, stopping for far too long at my chest and legs. His mouth was parted and his face showed shock until he walked up to me.

'You look ravishing. Can't wait for tonight. This dress would look so good on my bedroom floor and you on my bed na-' he stopped half way through the word when my dad cleared his throat from behind us. I turned a bright shade of red, most likely matching my lipstick and Brooklyn's tie.

'Kids, time for photos.' He said. The professional photographer came in, taking pictures of us, laughing and smiling in my garden. After ages, we were allowed to leave.

We walked out of my house, only for my eyes to come in contact with the white beauty in front of me. A Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder was parked in front of me. It was fucking gorgeous. I ran up to it and hugged it.

'Brooklyn, if this is the beauty your gonna drive me in to a prom, I'll go to prom everyday with you.' I said, kissing the beauty. He chuckled. My lipstick mark was left of the bonnet of the car, the red standing out on the whiteness of the sports car. Brooklyn chuckled and opened the door for me, letting me slip in. My hands wandered the interior of the car.

Did I tell you I was a sucker for sports cars and posh cars. Well I am. And Lamborghini's were one of my favourites amongst others.

We drove to the place where the college's prom was being held. Being the college of rich students, they had to hold it in a posh place. And this was posh.

We walked in hand in hand, into the hall. Everyone was in gorgeous outfits, except from the bitches who were practically walking around in thongs. The place was beautifully decorated with blue and pink balloons, making the place look magical. There was a dance floor and the DJ at the front with food and drinks available to the side. Tables and chairs were decked around the sides and fountains were flowing in each corner.

It was magical.

Brooklyn and I met up with our friends, dancing and chatting the night away. We had some food and then danced again, enjoying each other's company. It was truelly fun. I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone since I had won the case against Michael. He was now rotting in jail with his friends, serving the next decade or so in there.

We left the place at half 12, going back to Brooklyn's house to spend the night together.

Life couldn't get any better than it already was.

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