Chapter 41

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Shanaya's POV :

I walked into the canteen, with absolutely no confidence at all. I had spent the last 4 hours of school either crying in the girl's loos or ignoring everyone and everything in class. I didn't comment on how people had been treating me: pushing past me purposely, sticking their feet out for me to trip over, pointing, giggling and clearly bitching about me. I didn't want to talk to anyone.

I just bought my lunch: an apple and sat down on my table. I had ignored my friends the whole day, walking the opposite way if they walked towards me. I knew they knew, the rumors were spreading like wildfire. I didn't want to see their faces. I was scared that they would hate me, just like my friends did in secondary school after the incident 3 years ago.

I spent half the time glaring down at my apple that was not going to be eaten. When I heard the clicking of heals, I lifted my head a tiny bit only see to see the face of the one and only Chloé. I immediately bought my head back down, not wanting to see her caked face.

'Well well well, look who we have here, a shitty rape victim.' she said. I could clearly picture her smirk on her stupid face but I didn't lift my face to check.

'You happy now that you're shitty secret is out in the open and you have everyone's attention. Cause that's what you are: a motherfucking attention seeker who wants everyone below her feet. You did all of this to have everyone's attention, so they could all feel sympathetic towards you. Well sympathetic my ass. I know this whole 'incident' is just fake, only made so you get popularity and sympathy. I'm telling you right now Shanaya, you will not be getting it from me, you bitch.' She spat at me.

A lone tear rolled down my face.

'Did you hear me? Get up you bitch!' She said, pulling me out of my seat so I stood infront of her, my head bowing down. 'You will not be getting my sympathy.' She screeched.

Another tear fell down my face. I felt like I was back to the dreaded days of secondary school.

'And she won't need your sympathy either cause she's not weak like you.' Someone said from behind me. Arms were wrapped around my shoulders, practically holding me up from collapsing on the floor. I looked up to see Katie, Jess and Alice standing next to me with Katie's arms around me. They all shot me small smiles before turning to the bitch in front of me.

'I think the whole college would agree with me Chloé that you are the biggest attention seeking bitch to ever walk into this college.' Alice said.

Chloé's face changed as she scowled at Alice. She opened her mouth to say something but Alice spoke on.

'You wear clothes that should be counted as undergarments, to school. People on the roads probably think you work and go to a stripping club or a prostitution centre. Seriously Chloé, before you go picking on other people, look at yourself in the mirror and fix yourself up before criticizing people about the things that you do too.' Alice said.

If I wasn't in the state I was right now, I would have patted Alice on the back.

'Oh whatever. At least I didn't go round making up a fake story.' Chloé said.

A sudden burst of confidence came over me.

'Chloé, get your fucking facts right first before going over to a person and try proving their story wrong. The fact that I nearly got raped is true. This happened to me 3 years ago. I found my boyfriend cheating on me at a party and when I questioned his actions he said it was because I couldn't provide his needs. He ended up abusing, harassing me along with his gang of friends and then tried raping me. But I was saved by my brother. I spent the next 3 months or so of my life in a serious depression, self harming and being bullied and harassed in school. I spoke to nobody, my friends and everybody in my school had turned their backs on me when a rumor spread round my secondary school that I cheated on my boyfriend and then got raped on the streets. I had no one to go too and then I had my GCSE's to prepare for. I had moved school's, made new friends and became a totally different person. I had no confidence whatsoever and didn't talk to anyone. I made new friends there, real ones and started to rebuild my life from that. I spent the last three years trying to keep this incident a secret, away from people and the media. And now, after so long, someone decided to spill it out. Don't you think that if I was an attention seeker, I would've leaked this incident out all those years ago instead of keeping it a secret?' I asked her finally.

She was staring at me dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. I turned away from her to see the rest of the college students staring at me, silently. They all had guilty and sympathetic looks on their faces.

I walked over to the one guy I knew who wouldn't be feeling an ounce of guilt or sympathy for his actions.

'And now people, I would like you to meet my ex-boyfriend, a rapist, an abuser and what not. Say hi to everyone Michael.' I said sarcastically.

Michael's eyes were coated with anger and rage. His hands were turned into fists and were turning white. His face was slowly starting to turn red from anger.

'You fucking bitch.' He growled as he leaped forward to tackle me down. I covered my face with my arms to try and defend myself, only to realise that Michael had been taken back away from me by Brooklyn.

'Dare to touch my girl and trust me, you will never be walking or touching anything again.' Brooklyn growled at Michael. Michael backed off, fixing his t-shirt, keeping his gaze on me. I walked forward and did the only thing that came to mind.

I slapped him round the face. So hard that my hand stung badly. I pulled my hand back from his face as Michael clutched his right cheek, growning. I was very sure that he would have my finger prints patched to his skin for the next week or two.

'And that, was something I've been wanting to do for so long, since the day after that incident.' I told him.

'Shanaya you know what, here I'm gonna say it out loud. Yes, I did cheat on you, abuse you, harass you, try to rape you along with my friends. I then told the whole of the school and spread the fake rumor on you. I bullied you. I then kept a track of you for the next three years and then applied for this college to torment you again. I told the media you were raped and this whole college. What you gonna do about it? Huh, tell me!' He shouted.

I smirked. The plan that I hadn't planned, worked. While I had walked over here, I had seen a few people recording the whole scene. Not to mention the CCTV footage the college had of the canteen.

'Send you to jail, that's what. After all these years, I finally get to send you to hell. You burnt and destroyed all the evidence three years back but now you can't. Live well in jail Michael.' I smirked at him and turned on my heel and walked away.

'I hate you!' Michael said.

'Hate me, love me, and see if I care.' I retorted bitchily.

Ah, there goes that perfect moment where every girl turns into a bitch.

Someone must have called the police cause the next second, two policemen came in and arrested a seething Michael. He was taken out of the canteen, letting me finally take a breath.

My worst nightmare was now gone, for good. I hugged my friends, thanking them for standing up for me. Nearly all the college students came up to me, apologising for their actions. I forgave them all, not wanting to create another scene.

Good Lord, what a day.

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