Chapter 16

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Shanaya's POV :

After our game of hide and seek, we all decided to sit down and watch TV. In Katie's private cinema. We had one back home as well, but we hardly ever used it. Our living room TV was big enough already and so was my bedroom one too.

We watched a comedy film. And then the guys decided to put something on, to surprise me.

A horror film.

As soon as I realised what it was, I freaked out. 'Guys, I'm fricking serious when I say I'm petrified of them!' I cried, pointing at the screen. They all laughed, except Sophia, Alaska and Sydney. They knew how much I was scared of them because they forced me into watching one with them. I ended up fainting because of it, not to mention the endless nights of nightmares.

'No guys, Shanaya is saying the truth. We once forced her to watch one with us and she ended up fainting. And she also had countless nights of non-sleep and nightmares.' Alaska said. I mentally hugged that girl. She was helping me.

'Shanaya, don't worry. This really isn't scary at all. It's a horror comedy. And I promise, if you get scared, you can leave or we can change the film. Okay?' Katie said, sympathetically. I sighed and nodded, there was no point. And plus, I needed to get over this stupid fear. It always restricted me, and that, I hated.

We satdown in the comfy seats. Sydney sat next to me. She was there when I needed comfort, and always helped me when I was scared. Brooklyn sat on the opposite side of me, and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it, sending warmth into my cold and rigid body. I relaxed slightly by the hold of his hand. I gazed down at our interwined hands. My small slim hand was placed perfectly in his bigger and more wider one. They fitted together so well.

My attention went back to the screen, as the movie began. I didn't know the name of it, and neither did I want to know. There were a few funny scenes, which did make me laugh. But most of it was scary. That made me roll up into a ball. Brooklyn took his hand out of mine, only to swing it round my back, and pulled me closer to his chest. I didn't mind it at all. I used his t-shirt as a sheild to protect myself from the gory visuals on the screen. My hands were around his torso, tightly. Everytime so something scary would come up, I would dig my head into his chest, silently whimpering and bagging for the scene, or even better, the film, to end. I screamed at nearly every scary moment. But Brooklyn was always there to comfort me.

When the movie ended, I sighed a relief. I had gotten through it, somehow. I checked the time. It was two in the morning. I had to go to Sabyasachi's after party at 6 in the evening. I mentally groaned.

What is my life?

Katie directed us a room each. As soon as I got to room, I quickly changed into a sports bra and leggings and dove under the covers of the bed. But everytime I closed my eyes, all I could see was the face of the monstor in the horror movie.

I wasn't going to be falling asleep anytime soon.

All of a sudden, I heard my door creak open. The same sound that they had in the movie. I froze under the cover. Whaterever was coming into my room, towards me. Inearly screamed when I heard the thing speak.

'Shanaya, are you awake?' The person spoke. Their voice sounded oddly familiar. It was smooth, low and masculine. It was gorgeous.


I lifted my covers slowly, only to come across his handsome face. He was smiling down at me as he saw I was awake.

'Are you okay?' He asked.

'No. I'm not. I can't get to sleep because the stupid horror scenes keep coming back to me. And I really want to sleep!' I whined.

He chuckled. I pouted. He kissed my pouted lips.

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