Long Epilogue : Part 2 of Part 6

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This is part 2 of part 6: their Hindu wedding day. There are Shanaya's outfits for both weddings. The second part of this chapter will have their Christian wedding in it as well. There is also the huge wedding reception. Enjoy!

Brooklyn's POV (surprise surprise!):

I was sitting there awkwardly. I had some knowledge of how Hindu wedding worked but not much. I had watched enough wedding videos to figure out what happens and stuff.

I should've paid attention when it was Sid's wedding, then I would know what to do. I blame Shanaya for teasing me and looking so sexy on the day.

Everyone stood up as the bride walked in. I lifted my head to look up at my fiancé, my breath hitching at the sight of her beautiful being. She was walking down towards me in a semi-mermaid red dress, clinging to all the right areas. Her hair was up in an elegant bun, covered by her veil. Her dress left a trail behind her, her little nephews were walking with her friends' daughters, leaving a trail of red and white rose petals behind the bride and themselves. It looked like an angelic scene, with the angel walking up to me from the heavens above.

She slowly sat down next to me, giving me a shy smile. I was most likely grinning like an idiot.

The ceremony started. We were told to put many things in the fire in front of us. Then finally, we were told to stand up and walk our 7 rounds of the fire whilst the priest chanted the holy words.

Once they were done, we took our blessings and the wedding finished. From what I had read, the bride would part from her parents, making her ball her eyes out. I really didn't want to see my baby cry.

'Babe, please don't cry. I'll promise I'll take you to see your parents everyday, just don't cry.' I half whispered to her.

She laughed, sending music to my ears and nodded. Her eyes were filling up with tears but she didn't let them loose, which was good.

We were now husband and wife, in the Hindu religion.

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Christian wedding, again for Brooklyn's POV :

I straightened my shirt from it's crumpled state. I was nervous. More nervous than our previous wedding. I had no idea why. Probably because this wedding was for my religion.

'Please stand for the bride.' the priest said. Everyone stood up as I turned round.

My eyes widened at the sight of my wife. She was walking up to the alter in one of the most simplest bride's gown I had ever seen. Yet, it looked so good on her, it was beyond words. She bought out the simplicity of it, as well as the elegance and the classy look. The small embroidery was carefully placed and stitched onto the dress, making her look like a million dollars. Her head was covered in a veil, a diamond tiara placed gently on top of it. Her hands ere clasped round a bunch of red and white roses, a warm smile on her face. Her little army of bridesmaids consisted of her friends from college and their children as well as Sid's children. Her maid of honour was Simran, looking amazing in a deep red gown which I'm sure Sid's enjoying the view of. The rest were wearing lighter shades of red, going well with the overall theme of red and white.

She stood next to me at the alter and I took both her hands into mine, fitting perfectly in them. The priest started talking but I didn't listen to a word he was saying. I was too busy looking into Shanaya's brown irises to hear what he was saying.

How can someone be so beautiful. She's like an angel walking on Earth.

'Do you, Brooklyn Joseph Beckham, take Shanaya Jennifer Malhotra as your lawfully wedded wife?' He asked.

I smiled and nodded, 'I do.'

'And do you, Shanaya Jennifer Malhotra, take Brooklyn Joseph Beckham as your lawfully wedded husband?'

'I do.'

'I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now-' he was interrupted with my lips landing in Shanaya's, before he could finish the sentence.

Shanaya was obviously surprised but kissed back. It was a sweet gentle kiss, nothing to deep but held a lot of meaning.

I was leaving those ones for our honeymoon to Hawaii.

We pulled back when we remembered to breath and then heard the chorus of cheers and awws being thrown towards us. I smiled like an idiot while Shanaya turned the brightest colour of red, matching Simran's dress colour. I kissed her cheek before picking her up bridal style and half running out of the church. She screeched and hung onto my shoulders for dear life. The audience laughed.

'See you all at the reception!' I shouted back at them.

I plopped Shanaya down in our white limo and sat down next to her.

'Driver, take us the longest route possible to the reception.' I ordered him.

'Why?' Shanaya asked.

'Because...' I kissed on her right cheek, 'I really...' I kissed her left cheek, 'want to...' I kissed her forehead and nose, 'take you down...' I said before kissing her neck in her sensitive spot, 'now.' I finally said, claiming her lips that were now rightfully mine. She gasped but kissed back, pullung back after a while.

'Driver, take us to the reception by the planned route. Don't listen to Brooklyn.' She said, glaring at me once she was done talking. I gave her an innocent look before pulling her back into my arms and kissing her in all the places I could access with her wearing her gown.

'Damn this gown.' I mummbled, lifting my face back up to her neck and kissing her there. I licked and slightly nibbled at her skin, making her let out a low moan.

'Brooklyn, don't bite. You'll leave a hickey.' She whispered. Her hands were running through my hair, turning me on.

'I don't care.' I growled and bit down harder at her skin, most likely, leaving a hickey to form. She moaned loudly, pulling my head up to kiss me wildly.

'You know, I think we should akip this reception. They won't even realise we're gone.' I breathed out against her lips.

'No. We are going. That's that.' She said firmly.

God, how much I loved it when she took control, especially in bed.

'Brooklyn, stop imagining me in bed and open your eyes, we're there. We need to go in and get changed.' She said.

She knew me so well that she even knew what was going on in my mind.

'Ok Mrs Beckham.' I whispered in her ear. She giggled and turned a light shade of pink, obviously not used to the surname. I smiled. I liked the way it sounded.

Shanaya Jennifer Malhotra Brooklyn Beckham. Mrs. Shanaya Beckham. I loved it.

We got out and headed to our dressing rooms and got ready. I just wore a black suit with white shirt underneath. My hair was neatly swept to the side and gelled up, as usual.

I got out and met my goddess of a wife. She stood there in a pink and silver dress, showing off her flat midridd and her drool worthy cleavage. A diamond necklace was around her neck and she had a pair of matching diamond earrings to go with it. Her wedding ring was on her finger, glistening under the white light. Her curly hair was down, straightened sort of to give it a wavy look, suiting her face immensely.

I took her hand and entered the reception hall, everyone cheering and clapping for us.

'Congratulations Buster, you're a married man now. Never knew the day would come that you would actually settle down.' My dad said, using my childhood nickname to address me. I smiled, slightly annoyed at him teasing me, but grateful that he was here to support me the whole way.

We were approached by everyone, and were given a congratulations by them all.

The reception was brilliant, everyone enjoyed, dancing, laughing, eating and drinking the night away.

I swore on that day that God loved me and that I was his favourite child. He gave me what I wanted, the love of my life that was now my gorgeous and stunning wife. I couldn't love life anymore than I already did.

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