⓻Words of Wisdom⟐

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"I will protect everyone!"- Yami Yugi

This is a quote that just about anyone can relate with. That strong desire to protect the ones you care about. It could be your friends, your family or even your precious Aibou. It is a powerful emotion that makes your body move supposedly on its own, shielding your loved ones from harm.

Everyone has experienced this emotion at least once in their lifetime. It could have been something minor such as taking scissors from a small child, or even talking someone out of taking their own life. We have all experienced a moment in our lives where all we were concerned about was protecting someone else. Our own sense of safety becoming insignificant compared to the safety of a loved one.

This emotion is what makes us truly remarkable as a species. We would risk our own lives, put ourselves into harm's way just to protect someone else. That is truly amazing and Yami shows us the courage and compassion that is necessary to be able to accomplish such a feat. It may appear to be something only achievable in an anime, but I assure you it's not.

Now here is my challenge for you, dear reader. Use that courage and compassion that is buried inside you to make a difference in the world. It could be something small like helping a bullied child to regain their confidence. Or it could be something as big as finding a way to help those far less fortunate than yourselves. Protect not only the ones you love but everyone you meet, that is my challenge.

Spread some good around the world and who knows, maybe we really can protect everyone.

Yu-Gi-Oh Magazine Issue #1 : October 2015Where stories live. Discover now